Work Calendar Synchronization, Board of Bureau Holds a Meeting of Academic Calendar 2017

Atmosphere of the Academic Calendar Meeting 2017/2018

In order to prepare the academic calendar and student activities for the next year (2017/2018) involving the Academic Bureau and Student Affairs Bureau as well as Finance Bureau related to planning, then, the board of bureau at Udayana University held a meeting of Academic Calendar 2017/2018, which was held on February 11, 2017, at the meeting room of Information Resources Unit (USDI), Bukit campus, Jimbaran. This meeting was also attended by Vice Rector I of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS, and also Board of Bureau Heads at Udayana University, Head of Information Resources Unit (USDI), Vice Dean I and Vice Dean III of each faculty at Udayana University, Head of Institute for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) of Udayana University, staff, and Presidents of Student Executive Board of Udayana University 2017/2018.

At this time, the Academic Calendar meeting looked different compared to the previous years. The academic calendar meeting that was usually held separately with the agenda of student activities, on this occasion, it was held at the same time with the aim to be able to enhance the agenda of student activities and academic calendar in order to be able to adjust the schedule. It was also attended by the President of BEM of Udayana University so that the agenda and calendar discussed in this meeting will be able to correspond with the activities of Student Executive Board of Udayana University.



The atmosphere of academic calendar meeting when the meeting was taking place at the meeting room of USDI, Jimbaran

The discussion regarding the academic calendar 2017/2018 was led by the Bureau Heads of Cooperation Academic and Public Relations (BAKH) of Udayana University, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M. Ed, and also guided and responded by Vice Rector I of Udayana University. The discussion in the forum of Academic Calendar Meeting 2017/2018 lasted successful and conducive. This event was a discussion, where on this occasion, the participants of this meeting were asked for their opinion regarding the suitability of the dates on the academic calendar. This activity was divided into two sessions; the first session discussed about the academic calendar, and the second session discussed about the student activities.

In addition to discuss about the suitability of the dates in the academic calendar and agenda of student activities, at the opening of this activity, Vice Rector I of Udayana University also delivered some messages such as the new target of Udayana University that want to realize at least 50 percent of Study Programs at Udayana university achieve accreditation A, improving the effectiveness of the filtering system for new students in independent pathways, improving the effectiveness of bidikmisi quota that is expected to be on target, Program of ADik Papua, as well as appeals to all sides, especially the board of Deans at Udayana University in order to respond to the obligations stated in PERMENRISTEKDIKTI Number 20 of 2017, articles 4 and 8 regarding the obligation for lecturers who have academic position of Associate Professor and Professor to publish national and international journals since it relates to professional allowance of lecturer and honorary allowance of professor. (naristadevi)