UNUD State Administration Studies Program Achieves Two Reward in Temu Admi 2016

State Administration Faculty of Social and Political Sciences gets two rewards in gathering Admi at the University Padjadjaran which is held over three days, October 24 to 27, 2016. Theme which will be discussed at the Meeting admi activity in 2016 is "Realizing governance either through the Regional Government Reforms". Gathering Admi is meeting all the Administrator all over Indonesia, this year there are 30 Universities participating in this event.

Admi 2016 is a scientific forum of students of State Administration / State of Indonesia which discusses current issues with a scientific standpoint administration. This activity is filled with various series of activities, including a national seminar with the theme of the keynote speakers Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Drs. H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla.

Udayana University won the second reward; Best Presentation and Best Video in this event. The presentation directly by Ni Kadek Andri Wiastini and Ni Putu Mas Ivaliana Devi very proud of the results obtained. They hope Temu Admi 2017 Udayana University name increasingly succeeding in the arena of national and even international. (suparta)