Rector Of UDAYANA UNIVERSITY: Although Old but We Must Keep Running

Speech of welcome by the Rector of UDAYANA UNIVERSITY

The activities of the Re-accreditation in first day Monday (24-10) in the Widya Sabha building, campus Jimbaran begins with a welcome speech by the Rector Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Dr. SpPD-Suastika, Ketut KEMD. In his speech, he revealed that this accreditation is an opportunity and a good start for Udayana University in the trigger yourself to the level of the expected level, given the Udayana University is the oldest college in Bali. Next, He hopes the Udayana University will bear a qualified human resources for the country and can be the pride of Bali. “The Assessors are the treasure of God which spur us to run” said Rector.

The Rector of the University invite the Governor of Bali which on this occasion was represented by Deputy Governor, Drs. I Ketut Sudikerta, given the Governor and Vice Governor of Bali's are also student in Udayana University and they are always involved in University activities. Also attending the Regent of Badung represented by Vice Regent, Drs. I ketut Suiasa, SH. The series activities of the  Re-accreditation Udayana University lasted from Sunday (23/10) until Sunday (25/10). (arisugama)