Jegeg from Faculty of Medicine and Bagus from Faculty of Economics and Business Achieved Jegeg Bagus Udayana 2016

Bukit – Ida Ayu Trisna Wulandari, Jegeg from Faculty of Medicine and Cok Gede Nata Wasistha, Bagus from Faculty of Economics and Business are chosen as Jegeg Bagus Udayana 2016. The selection held on Monday (29/8) at Widya Sabha Auditorium Bukit Jimbaran.

The vice rector III Udayana, Dr Nyoman Suyatna expected that Jegeg Bagus Udayana are able to motivate and ask the students of Udayana to be more creative and make something based on cultural concept.

Runner Up I for Jegeg came from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Ni Made Asri Wahyuni. Runner Up I for Bagus came from Faculty of Medicine, I Putu Hendri Aryadi. Runner Up II for Jegeg was achieved by Jegeg Faculty of Economics and Business, Putu Claudia Tamara Putri. Runner Up II for Bagus achieved by Bagus Faculty of  Marine Science and Fisheries, I Nyoman Januarta Triska Putra. 

Photogenic category came from Jegeg Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Ni Made Asri Wahyuni and Bagus from Faculty of Law, Putu Bagus Dananjaya. Talented category achieved by Jegeg from Faculty of Arts, Wayan Sri Kusuma Wardani and Bagus from Faculty of Veterinary, I Made Vega Anjarcika. Favorite category came from Faculty of Engineering, Kadek Tania Utami Putri and I Wayan Gde Mudita Pradhana. (manik)