Faculty Website

Udayana University Medical Faculty (FK unud) precisely established in 1962 and is one part of the 12 Faculties under Unud. FK unud located in Denpasar (Bali Province City Center). Udayana University School of Medicine is one of the medical education institutions have a high quality and can be aligned with the institution of medical education at the national level and ASEAN. Currently, FK unud middle run two programs of undergraduate and post-graduate programs (both education specialist, masters program or doctoral program in bio-medical sciences). Besides duty as educators elements, FK unud also play an active role in the process of research and public service. These three things are the core element of the principles of universities in Indonesia. This is known as the Tri Dharma College.

Vision And Mission

Making the Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana as medical education and health institutions are able to produce graduates who excel, independent, and cultured and have competitiveness at national and international level in 2025.


  1. Improving educational activities, research, and community service, national and international level, based on cultural, moral, and high interitas accordance with the demands of society.
  2. Realizing independent faculty and professionals in the management and development of the institution and have good governance (GCG).

Faculty Name : Faculty Medic and Health Sciences
Address : Jl. PB Sudirman, Kampus Sudirman Denpasar
Telephone : 0361222510
Email : infofk@unud.ac.id
Website : https://fk.unud.ac.id/