Denpasar- 01/27/2016, quality and quantity of lecturers Udayana University publication is one indicator of the progress of research at Udayana University. Each lecturer shall conduct at least one title every year research and scientific output of research is publication in national/international journals. Publication is one of the obligation contract for each research at Udayana University, both funded by the Higher Education, other parties and even by internal funds of Udayana University..

To improve the quality of research has also stipulated in the national standard of higher education so that the consequence is that universities should set the standard of research at each university and encourage the development of research in universities. Not only that, even in education field also expected based on research or research result  where there is a portion of research in preparing the final project as a form of student critical thinking. In fact, scientific publications, are required for bachelor, master's and even doctorate.

Bapak PR I didampingi oleh Ketua BPMU secara resmi membuka acara pelatihan validator karya ilmiah Unud

The Vice Rector I was accompanied by the Chairman of BPMU officially opened the training event validator scientific work Unud

Recognizing the importance of research and publications for the advancement of education, plus the fact that the low number and quality of publications which carried out by Indonesian scientists in general, especially for lecturers in the universities, then in the assessment of the promotion and lectureship, research / publications has the most dominant portion with the rank and positions which is getting higher that proposed by each lecturer. This shows the confidence that the increase of publicity and enrichment of research is a way to hone the sharpness of science and technology in Indonesia.

To increase the impact of scientific publications and findings of lecturers of Udayana University, then the quality of the publication should be maintained and guarded closely, with high standards, including ethical standards so that it is free of dishonesty. Moreover, that the quality of the publication will be associated with the workload of Udayana University lecturers which also can be converted into an additional salary, and then the work of lecturer should be valid in substance and fulfill the scientific ethics. Then, BPMU and USDI trained Udayana University lecturers scientific work validator. Process and procedure validation will be enhanced by an online system and integrated so that the results of the validation can be used for needs of workload and also as the "point" (figure credit) for the promotion, once transferred into a form of "coins, rupiah" as excess of BKD.

Chairman of BPMU appreciate and provide additional input regarding the validation system online scientific work developed by USDI Unud to the Speaker (Chairman USDI)

Training of scientific work validator was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (PR1), Prof. Dr. DVM. I Made Damriyasa, MS. In his speech, he expected that every lecturer must to improve the scientific publications in order to improve the rank and Udayana University accreditation. Publications should always paying attention to scientific ethics that are free from plagiarism. In a series of training, it was outlined  the procedures for the validation process on-line by the speaker, the chairman USDI, Prof. Dr. Ketut Darma Putra and training do Turnitin by Agus Wirajaya, STP. The training was attended by 150 participants, all of whom are team validator of scientific work in faculties and university. (sobhita)