Great Success on Bioscience Seminar II

Biology Master Degree Program, together with Biology Department, Udayana University has successfully held a National Seminar Bioscience II on 19 – 20 November 2015.  The Seminar theme was “Enhancement of Biological Science to Support Development of Science and Technology”. There are three invited speaker in this seminar, Prof. Dr. Ocky Karna Radjasa (Director of Research and Community Service, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education), Dr. Sony Heru Sumarsono (Senior Lecturer at Natural Science and Technology, ITB), Dr. Rugayah, MSc (Senior Researcher at Herbarium Bogoriense) and Prof. Dr. Dewa Suprapta, MSc (Profesor at Agriculture Faculty, Udayana University).

The seminar was held at Agroecotechnology Building, Sudirman Campus, Udayana University.  Total participants was 130, mostly come from outside Bali such as Cendrawasih University (Papua), Gorontalo, Sam Ratulangi University (Manado), Padjajaran University (Bandung), Andalas University (West Sumatera), Mataram University (Lombok), and Forestry Research Institute (Jogja).

Next year, the seminar will be continued as International Conference, probably held in September 2016. Keep checking our website for more detail and news update!