National Seminar on the Peak of 50th Anniversary of IKAYANA, Raising the Theme of Cultural Tourism Presents Deputy Minister of Tourism Ni Luh Puspa as Keynote Speaker

Denpasar – The peak of the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Udayana University Alumni Association (IKAYANA) was held with a National Seminar themed "Cultural Tourism: Manifestation of Intangible Resources" which took place in the Taksu Room of the Dharma Negara Alaya (DNA) Building, Lumintang, Denpasar, Saturday (3/22/2025). This National Seminar presented the Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia Ni Luh Puspa as the Keynote Speaker and also several other speakers, namely the Assistant Deputy for Strategic Management of the Ministry of Tourism Gusti Ayu Dewi Hendriyani, Director of Cultural Heritage, Directorate of Cultural and Tradition Protection, Ministry of Culture I Made Dharma Suteja, and Lecturer of the Tourism Polytechnic Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri with Moderator Dr. Ir. Luh Riniti Rahayu, M.Sc.

The General Chairperson of IKAYANA Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra who is also a Member of the DPD RI for the Bali Electoral District in his speech said that this anniversary celebration was very special because it welcomed the number 50. With this spirit, IKAYANA is determined to continue to actively participate in making sustainable development a success. For this reason, the theme of the 50th Anniversary was "IKAYANA Harmony Towards Golden Indonesia".

The embodiment of this theme was applied in a national seminar as the fruit of IKAYANA's thoughts in contributing to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This National Seminar is entitled Cultural Tourism: The Manifestation of Intangible Resources. Indonesia is extraordinary in having two potential capital resources in sustainable development, namely tangible natural resources and intangible natural resources. One important discussion is that intangible natural resources are resources that are very difficult to imitate and very rare, that is culture as an asset.

"So cultural capital is very difficult to imitate and also rare, it is a great capital of the richness of Nusantara culture as a potential in the development of cultural tourism as a great energy towards Golden Indonesia," said Rai Mantra. 

This National Seminar is expected to contribute ideas towards the direction of national strategic policies and understanding of cultural tourism from institutions and the central government to local governments regarding the treatment of cultural capital as a managerial potential, competitive and comparative advantages of the richness of Nusantara culture.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana, in his speech said that 50 years is not just a number, but a long journey full of meaning and twists and turns. Since its establishment, IKAYANA has become a forum for Udayana University alumni to continue to contribute to the nation and alma mater. The theme carried is very relevant to the spirit of collaboration and synergy needed today. Udayana University is ready to be a partner in various strategic initiatives, both in the fields of education, research, and human resource development that support the sustainability of Indonesian tourism. In the context of tourism, which is one of the nation's strategic sectors, the role of Udayana alumni is very real. Through innovation and leadership, let's together drive sustainable economic growth based on local wisdom.

"Bali, as the center of Indonesian tourism, has a strategic role in sustainable development, and I am sure that Udayana University alumni through IKAYANA can drive innovation, policies and programs that strengthen Indonesia's tourism competitiveness at the global level," said the Rector of Udayana University.

Through this opportunity, the Rector also congratulated IKAYANA on celebrating half a century, continue to work and make Udayana University's name even more brilliant. Let's make this 50th anniversary of IKAYANA a starting point for stronger synergy.

Vice Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia Ni Luh Puspa on this occasion also wished IKAYANA a happy birthday, and she hopes that this will be a turning point, which of course really needs IKAYANA's contribution to the progress of this nation, which in this case is mainly input, constructive thoughts related to tourism not only Bali but tourism in general throughout Indonesia. "I hope this will be a momentum to revive, to maintain with full dedication for this nation and country," she said.

In her material, the Deputy Minister invited us to look to the future, what will be faced in the future in the tourism sector. There are several things that must be realized about Indonesian tourism, in the future it must adapt to various challenges and also global megatrends that will occur in 2045.

In the series of peak of 50th Anniversary of IKAYANA, there was also the cutting of tumpeng, contemporary dance performances, the presentation of IKAYANA Dharma Award as a form of appreciation to alumni of Udayana University who have played a role and given positive impacts in various fields of life in various categories where there are five recipients namely Prof. I Dewa Gede Palguna, Prof. Ketut Suastika, Dr. Anak Ayu Sri Wahyuni, Prof. I Gde Pitana and Putu Ayu Saraswati, S.Ked, then the inauguration of the IKAYANA Commissariat Management and ended with IKAYANA Talk by three Unud Alumni who have played a role at the national and international levels namely Dewa Made Juniarta Sastrawan Former Indonesian Ambassador to Zimbabwe and Zambia, I Dewa Gede Palguna Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court and I Gede Ngurah Swajaya Indonesian Ambassador to Switzerland.