Selection Results of Universities Organizing and Prospective Promoters of PMDSU Scholarship Batch IX, Two Udayana University Professors Pass to Become Promoters

Denpasar - The Masters to Doctoral Education Program for Excellent Graduates (PMDSU) is an initiative of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology which aims to accelerate the birth of quality young doctors. This program provides an opportunity for excellent undergraduate graduates to continue their studies directly to the doctoral level without having to take a separate master's program. 

With an accelerated system, participants are expected to be able to complete their studies to the doctoral level within four years. PMDSU also offers intensive guidance from expert promoters, full funding, and research support, so that graduates of this program can contribute to the development of science and innovation in Indonesia. 

In 2025, the promoter selection process for the PMDSU Batch 9 Program took place, which was attended by various universities in Indonesia. In this selection, two leading academics from Udayana University (Unud) successfully passed as promoters, namely Prof. dr. Pande Putu Januraga, M.Kes, Dr.PH. from the Faculty of Medicine and Prof. I Dewa Gede Ary Subagia, S.T, M.T, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Engineering. This success reflects their dedication and competence in competing at the national level to be able to guide and produce a superior generation of young scientists in Indonesia.

Promoters in the PMDSU Program have a strategic role in guiding students from undergraduate to doctoral level in a shorter time. As the main mentor, promoters are responsible for designing and supervising the student's research process so that it runs according to high academic standards. They also play a role in providing scientific direction, supporting the development of student competencies, and ensuring smooth studies through intensive supervision. In addition, promoters function as a liaison between students and academic and industrial networks, opening up opportunities for research collaboration, and encouraging scientific publications in reputable journals. With optimal guidance, promoters contribute to producing young doctors who are qualified and ready to compete at the global level. 

After the promoter is selected for the PMDSU Program, the next step is the recruitment process for students who will participate in this program. Promoters who have passed the selection will submit a research proposal that will be the basis for students in carrying out their studies. Then, a selection of students who are eligible to participate in PMDSU is carried out. Prospective participants who are excellent undergraduate graduates must go through academic and administrative selection stages, including an assessment of academic track records and the suitability of research interests with the promoter's field.

Once students are accepted, they will immediately begin a study program that includes intensive research under the guidance of a promoter. During the study period, students will undergo periodic evaluations to ensure that their research progress is in accordance with the targets that have been set. In addition, they are encouraged to publish research results in reputable journals and participate in scientific seminars. 

With this structured system, PMDSU aims to produce competent young doctors in a shorter time, so that they can accelerate their contributions to the academic world and industry.