Researcher from the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University Presents Results of Study on Optimizing Supervision and Law Enforcement of Foreigners in the Dynamics of Bali Tourism at National Police Headquarters
National Police Headquarters, Jakarta (14 January 2024) - The Indonesian National Police (Polri) through the Intelligence and Security Section (Intelkam) held a presentation of research results entitled Optimizing Supervision and Law Enforcement of Foreign Citizens (WNA) in the Dynamics of Bali Tourism. This event was attended by the ranks of the National Police leadership, namely the Head of Police Intelligence and Security, Commissioner General Pol Drs. Syahardiantono, M.Si., Chief Analyst Brigadier General Pol Hirbak Wahyu Setiawan, S.I.K., M.H., Main Analyst Tk. I Brigadier General Zainal Abidin, S.I.K., M.Sc., and Main Analyst Tk. II Police Commissioner Dulfi Muis, S.H., S.I.K. as well as other officials.
In his speech, Kabaintelkam Polri Komjen Pol Drs. Syahardiantono, M.Si., stated that optimizing supervision and law enforcement against foreigners in Bali is very important to maintain security, socio-cultural and economic stability. Collaboration between the National Police, academics and other stakeholders will be key in facing global tourism challenges.
This research was carried out in 2024 involving several experts from the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, namely Dr. Nararya Narottama, SE., M.Par., M. Rech., Dr. Nyoman Ariana, SST.Par., M.Par., Dr. Yohanes Kristianto, S.Pd., M. Hum., Ni Made Sofia Wijaya, SST.Par., M.Par., PhD., Saptono Nugroho, S.Sos., M.Par., Putri Kusuma Sanjiwani, S.H., MH., and I Gede Gian Saputra, S.Par., M.Par.
The urgency of this research lies in the increasing number of foreigners in Bali which has a significant impact on the economy, socio-culture and security. On the one hand, foreigners contribute to increasing investment and foreign exchange. However, on the other hand, challenges arise in the form of law violations, socio-cultural conflicts, and illegal business practices that harm local communities. This situation has the potential to damage Bali's image as a safe and cultural international tourist destination.
Representing the Research Team, Dr. Nyoman Ariana said that this research is expected to provide strategic recommendations for monitoring and enforcing the law against foreigners in Bali, in order to maintain harmony between tourism, culture and security interests.
Furthermore, the Head of the Research Team, Dr. Nararya Narottama, in her presentation, stated that research results show that cross-sector synergy, strengthening regulations, and carrying out routine operations by law enforcement officers are very necessary to optimize supervision of foreigners, in order to maintain social stability and sustainability of Bali tourism.
This research discusses the economic, socio-cultural and security impacts of the presence of foreigners in Bali, the impacts and obstacles in supervision, such as overlapping authority between agencies, illegal business practices and crime. The Research Team provided recommendations in the form of strengthening regulations, evaluating the online licensing system, collaborating with stakeholders in supervision, and cross-cultural education for foreigners.
The event closed with an interactive discussion session between the research team and National Police officials, which resulted in a commitment to strengthen the surveillance and law enforcement system in Bali.