Udayana University Holds Focus Group Discussion on Position Maps Based on Knowledge Clusters

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Position Maps Based on Knowledge Clusters at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (3/1/2025). This activity was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders as well as the Drafting Team and HR Department.

Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. IGB Wiksuana said that in this FGD there would be discussions regarding position maps based on knowledge groups, where more specifically, they might be based on Expertise Field Groups (KBK). The data that has been sent by the Faculty and received by the Team is then analyzed to determine the position map in each study program and faculty so that it is hoped that through this position map we will have information about the formation of positions in each faculty which is very necessary when will carry out HR recruitment at Udayana University.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his direction said that even though the Minister of Education and Culture's Regulation was postponed, the process of making position maps at Udayana University was still ongoing because it was very important to know and map the scientific groups in each study program. This is to make it easier for us to identify and also determine future formations. With these considerations in mind, we at Unud continue to implement this knowledge class-based job map.

The Rector hopes that the results of this FGD can become a reference in the future so that we can determine it after mutual approval through a decree. This will also be related to the study centers at LPPM, especially regarding research focus and making it easier for leaders to assign partners if there are needs regarding lecturer competency. Through this opportunity, the Rector also expressed his appreciation to the Drafting Team and requested that in this FGD the important issues faced in the faculty be conveyed which would be discussed together and find the best solution.

The FGD began with an explanation from the Head of the Policy Drafting Team for Implementation of Minister of Education and Culture Number 44 of 2024 at Udayana University Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda regarding the Results of the Analysis of the Proposed Position Map. Where, based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that filling was still based on study programs, 1 Branch formed 2 KBK and all faculties still had difficulty achieving a normal curve because of the existing conditions which originated from an irregular curve. After the presentation of the analysis results, a discussion session continued.