Udayana University National Music Concert, Enlivened by National Musicians

Denpasar - The National Music Concert which is part of the National Festival with the theme "The Enchantment of the Land of the Gods, Inspiration for the Harmony of the Archipelago" was held at the Puputan Renon Field in Denpasar, Saturday (14/12/2024) evening. This concert was enlivened by national musicians including Once Mekel, Novia Bachmid, Alffy Rev, Budi Cilok, Ki Ageng Ganjur and other performers. This activity was also attended by members of the MRPTNI Forum and para leaders within Udayana University (Unud) as well as students and the general public.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana said that music, as we all know, is a universal language that can reach every human heart and soul. In the history of the Indonesian nation, music has played an important role in uniting diversity, awakening the spirit of struggle, and strengthening feelings of love for the country. Tonight, not only enjoy melodies, but also celebrate Indonesia's diversity in enchanting harmony.

Through this concert, Udayana University wants to convey an important message: that patriotism and nationalism can continue to be built, not only through words, but also through art, music and culture. Music is a medium that can weave differences into strength, creating unity amidst diversity.

"To the young generation attending tonight, I want to remind you that the future of the nation is in your hands. Make this event an inspiration to continue to love and protect Indonesia, through works that you are proud of. Enjoy the extraordinary offerings from the best artists nation," said the Rector of Unud.

They hope that this activity will be an activity full of inspiration and bring new enthusiasm to all of us.