Udayana University Holds Socialization of Position Maps Based on Knowledge Clusters

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the HR Department of the General Bureau carried out the Socialization of Knowledge Cluster Based Position Maps at the Nation Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (6/12/2024). This socialization was carried out as an implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 44 of 2024 concerning Lecturer Profession, Career and Income.

This regulation is aimed at improving better, more effective and efficient governance of the profession and careers of lecturers and providing legal certainty regarding the provision of allowances and income for lecturers in accordance with legal developments and current societal needs.

This socialization was opened directly by the Rector of Unud Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana with the speaker, Chair of the Implementation Team for the Implementation of Minister of Education and Culture Number 44 of 2024 at Udayana University, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, Ph.D and moderator Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech said that in this activity we will discuss the follow-up to the issuance of Permendikbudristek Number 44 of 2024 which is planned according to the previous circular in 2025 which must be implemented. The socialization in Jakarta was previously attended by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance together with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business and the TU, RT and HTL Coordinators who were then followed up by forming a task force to study and develop how to implement this Permendikbudristek Regulation at Udayana University.

This mapping certainly requires support from each work unit leader in the faculty related to policies regarding position maps, especially lecturers and their groupings from knowledge families, knowledge trees, branches of knowledge and branches of knowledge. So that clustering and grouping of knowledge branches or branches of knowledge can be carried out which must also support the university's vision and mission. 

The Rector said that more details regarding this matter would be conveyed by the Team Leader regarding what matters should be followed up together. Through this opportunity, the Rector also asked for the commitment of faculty leaders to clearly formulate it. This meeting was to convey what the team had studied regarding Permendikbudristek Number 44 of 2024.

Chairman of the Implementation Team for the Implementation of Minister of Education and Culture Number 44 of 2024, Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, Ph. Also explained were the technical instructions for preparing Udayana University position maps.