Best Student Network, Udayana University Holds Selection of Outstanding Students at University Level
Denpasar – Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University (Unud), Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, S.P., M.Agr, officially opened the 2024 Udayana University Student Achievement Election (Pilmapres) activity which took place on Thursday, December 4 2024 at the Nusantara Room, Udayana University Agrokomplek Building. This event is the initial stage of selection to determine the best students who will represent Udayana University in the Regional Level Presidential Election selection in 2025.
The Vice Rector expressed his appreciation to the Pilmapres participants who had shown dedication and competitive spirit. This event is a forum for comprehensive gathering of top achieving students in various scientific disciplines. Outstanding students, hereinafter referred to as Mapres, are students who are able to achieve various impressive achievements in the academic field, both through intra-, co- and extra-curricular activities.
In his speech he also said that the Presidential Election is one of the talent development events programmed by the Indonesian Talent Development Agency (BPTI) through the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas). Pilmapres is a very prestigious event for outstanding students in Indonesia.
The Vice Rector also invited the Vice Deans in charge of student affairs to further prepare outstanding student candidates from each faculty from the beginning of 2025 for elections in 2026, so that the students they obtain are truly high quality and superior.
This Pilmapres activity involves students from various faculties at Udayana University, who have gone through strict selection at the faculty level. Participants will be assessed based on various aspects, including academic achievement, creativity, innovation, communication skills and national insight. It is hoped that this activity will run smoothly and successfully, and produce the best representatives of Udayana University who are ready to compete at a higher level.