Success, Bali Tourism Branding Seminar in Unud

Dari kiri: Prof. Darma Putra, Made Masih, Prof. I Gde Pitana,Dr. Putu Saroyeni, dan Dr. Nyoman Madiun (Foto Ary Bestari).

Branding Tourism in Bali seminar which held in by tourism Prodi S2 Study of Tourism Udayana Universit, on Friday, October 2, 2015 , was successful 3.5 hours without a break , followed vigorously by approximately 275 participants with feature speakers from the tourism practitioners and academics and competent bureaucracy branding field .

Seminar on " Branding  Individu dan Branding Kolektif dalam Pariwisata Bali" was held in celebration of 53rd anniversary of Udayana University, opened by Vice Rector Prof. IIV Made Suastra . Present on the occasion were Prof. Made Budiarsa , Assistant Director Pascasarjana Unud , Ida Bagus Ngurah Wijaya of GIPI / BTB Bali , Dr. Agung Suryawan Secretary of Tourism Doctoral Program Udayana University, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism Unud Dr. I Made Sendra, M.Si., And other invitees .

The fourth speaker shown is tourism practitioners Made Masih ( Made 's Warung owner ) and Mr. Joger ( shirt shop owners / Pabrik Kata Kata ) , academics Unud Dr. Putu Saroyeni , and Prof. I Gde Pitana , Deputy Minister of Tourism Overseas Marketing Division . The seminar, which lasted a full knowledge and joy that guided Dr. I Nyoman Madiun .

Branding Indonesia

Prof. Pitana said that as a country with thousands of islands and a variety of regional identity, branding Indonesia as a tourist destination is full of challenges.

"We've had a branding Wonderful Indonesia, the challenge is how to align the individual branding of each destination with the collective branding Indonesia and vice versa," he said.

For 2016, the Ministry of Tourism will prepare a budget for the branding arrangement 10 tourist destinations in Indonesia. Areas that feel that it needs to be revitalized branding advised to submit a proposal to the Ministry of Tourism.

"There are some areas that submitted a plan to refresh brandingnya, for example Banyuwangi and Riau Islands," said I Gde Pitana who also as lecturer S-2 and S-3 Tourism Unud.

According to Gde Pitana, the budget allocation is provided open to the area where filled by proposal, which is obviously funds for the ten regions.

"If Bali feel the need to Renewing and rebranding are welcome to submit a proposal to the Ministry of Tourism," he added.

Dr. Saroyeni said that Bali's tourism branding of "Santi Santi Santi" that appear several years after the Bali bomb attacks in 2002 and 2005 so far have not been evaluated for effectiveness.

In the seminar, Bali Santi Santi Santi branding and branding is a whole lot of discussion, especially related to the ability and the real function of branding in luring tourists to visit.

"Strong Branding must be built with commitment and focus, it contains the real essence of the product offered," said Saroyeni.

Build experience Branding

In this seminar, two tourism practitioners are Made Masih and Mr. Joger expose their secret struggle and branding to build their respective businesses which has become an icon of tourism in Bali.

Made Masih Who did not complete primary school was started to build shop in Kuta late 1960s, when Kuta was still quiet silent. Branding of Warung Made built emerging after nearly 20 years, the 1980s became famous. From there Warung Made develop branches (greater) in the Seminyak area.

What is also important is that the presence of  Warung Made in Seminyak area classified as a pioneer because when they start to open shop there early 1990s , Seminyak areas have been as busy now . Mother of two children was actually reluctant to open branches , but later it was done in Benoa area managed by his sons regeneration efforts .

" I want customers coming to shop , not stall it comes to customers , " said the mother of two children with husband Dutchmen .

This principle is presented to explain why Made Masih refuse establish branches in other places as suggested his friends.

According to Bu Made , many of his friends invited him to open a shop in places such as Jakarta and Singapore , but he does not want and survive in Bali alone with branding ' stall ' , but has become a world-class restaurant

Factory words (Pabrik Kata Kata)

Owners of shops selling T-shirts with funny words designs, Mr. Joger.  appear serious and humorous . He said the process of introducing branding " Joger , Pabrik Kata kata " , with all its internal and external obstacles .

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Internal hurdle was his encouragement that Joger took the decision to close two of the three shop because it has many stores make no enough time for the family , while the external obstacle is the presence of similar business copy or tailgate design made .

"I used to make the words ' Everyday is Sunday in Bali ' , then there is that mimic ' Everyday is Sunday in Yogya ' , if this is not the tail ? " He said playfully .

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Suasana seminar, tampil di tengah Made Masih dari Made’s Warung (Foto Ary Bestari)

The initiator of the seminar , Prof Darma Putra was satisfied because the seminar took place lure without a break for 3.5 hours . Participants who attended filled the room , and they endure listening to lectures and discussions until the end .

" Many participants gained new knowledge about branding . At least they get a refresher on what they sense already know , " said Chairman Prodi S2 Study of Tourism .

Dr. Agung Suryawan who follow the seminar from start to finish,  had to ask critical questions to Joger and praised the seminar . "The material from the source and spirit of the participants survived until the end of the seminar is the evidence of tremendous success , " said former Secretary of the Bali Tourism Board ( BTB ) it .

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