2024 PPPK CASN Socialization at Udayana University, There are 1,127 Formations
Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the HR Department of the General Bureau held a Socialization on the Implementation of CASN PPPK Selection for Fiscal Year 2024 within Udayana University at the Bangsa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Wednesday (9/10/2024). This socialization is a follow-up to the results of the Kemendikbudristek CASN national coordination meeting regarding preparations for the Kemendikbudristek PPPK selection for the 2024 Fiscal Year.
Head of the General Bureau, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, SE., MM, said that the Ministry of Education and Culture has held a national coordination meeting regarding the PPPK selection on October 4 2024 and is currently continuing with socialization at Unud so that participants know information regarding the PPPK selection. Unud has proposed 977 PPPK formations from technical personnel and 150 formations from health workers and all were approved. The Head of the Bureau also said that as part of the leadership's commitment, his party, through the HR Department, would also provide assistance in the process of uploading data for administrative requirements.
Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Prof. In his direction, IGB Wiksuana said that in order to follow up on the mandate of Law Number 20 of 2023, in 2024, the government will open the procurement of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and at Unud, starting in August 2024, the recruitment of 262 formations of CPNS consisting of 230 formations of lecturers and Tendik a total of 30 formations. Furthermore, there is now a PPPK reception where Unud received 1127 formations consisting of 977 Technical PPPK formations and 150 Health Care PPPK formations.
The PPPK selection was carried out in two periods, namely period I of registration in October for former Category II Honorary Personnel (ex THK-II) and Non-State Civil Apparatus Personnel (non ASN) who were registered in the BKN database and who were actively working at Kemendikbudristek when registering. Then Period II Non-State Civil Service Staff (non ASN) who are employees who have actively worked at the Ministry of Education and Culture for at least the last two years continuously.
He hopes that the former Category II Honorary Personnel can pass everything in connection with the formation that has been provided by the Ministry, so that in the socialization event the requirements will be conveyed so that they are carefully considered because the selection process is not only at Unud but also at the Ministry. The hope is that everyone can be accepted as PPPK. The Vice Rector also emphasized that you must follow all the requirements so that there are no administrative errors, so that you really pay attention to the explanation given by the HR Coordinator. Whatever the provisions, the participants must follow them.
The socialization material was delivered by Unud Human Resources Coordinator Gede Agus Yogiana who in his presentation conveyed the legal basis for implementing PPPK procurement, the administrative selection process and competency selection process using CAT, formation details, applicant criteria, registration procedures, implementation schedule and other provisions. The announcement of the graduation results will be made by the Ministry of Education and Culture via the official website and the final selection pass will be determined based on the results of the National Panselnas processing as regulated in PANRB Ministerial Decree Number 347 and 349 of 2024.