Visitation of Ormawa PPK Implementation towards Ormawa Abdidaya, Belmawa Visit Team Visits Udayana University

Denpasar - Located in the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, a visitation of the implementation of PPK Ormawa towards Abdidaya Ormawa took place by the Belmawa Visit Team, Thursday (10/10/2024). The Belmawa Team who attended were Asri Ismail, S.Pd., M.Pd and Digdoyo Adrianto. There were five Udayana University Ormawa PPK teams that visited, namely the Engineering Student Association in Gunaksa Village, UKM KSR-PMI in Selemadeg Village, the Law Student Creativity Community in Sanding Village, the Environmental Engineering Student Association in Saba Village, and the Electrical Student Association in Taman Village.

In carrying out this visitation, each Ormawa PPK Team was also accompanied by accompanying lecturers. Also present at this activity were the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Engineering, the Chair and Secretary of the Community Service Character Development Unit (UPKP) and their Team, and the Student Affairs Bureau Team.

Chairman of UPKP Unud Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, M.Kes in his speech said that the leadership of Udayana University provided full support for holding this PPK Ormawa activity where the impact for Unud itself was one of which was to become a bridge connecting the university and the community. UPKP as the manager in 2024 has released 10 teams that received funding and this is an increase from the previous year through approaches and innovations in how to invite students to carry out PPK Ormawa activities.

Of the 10 teams, field activities have been carried out by inviting review teams to provide assistance and there are five teams that have passed the visitation. They hope that these five teams can qualify for Abdidaya. In carrying out this visitation, there are two activities that will be carried out, namely on campus and a visit to the village to verify whether what has been conveyed is true according to reality.

Representative of the Belmawa Team, Asri Ismail, on this occasion said that his presence was to verify that what had been conveyed at the UPKP was the same as that in the village. Seeing how the organizations, universities and lecturers are like. Through PPK Ormawa, students can get closer to the community and see it directly so that students' critical powers can be utilized in the village to see a glimpse of the problems that exist in society and provide solution ideas.

The agenda for implementation is interviews with universities and teams, while for implementers it is carried out in villages. He also said that Indonesia's progress started from the villages and currently many campuses are interested in the Ormawa PPK program.

In this activity, a presentation was also made by the Chair of the UPKP regarding the role of Udayana University in the Implementation of PPK Ormawa. In his presentation it was explained that Unud has around 170 Ormawa consisting of the Student Executive Body, Student Representative Council, Student Association, Student Activity Unit and Semi-Autonomous Body and the university leadership assigned UPKP as the manager of the Ormawa. The mechanism for implementing PPK Ormawa at Udayana University was also explained. Then continued with an interview by the Belmawa Team.