Improving Employee Administrative Competence, Udayana University Implements Technical Guidance on Official Document Management

Udayana University (Unud) through the General Bureau, carried out Technical Guidance (Bimtek) activities on Official Document Management in order to improve employee administrative competence, especially in the field of official document management for educational staff within Udayana University on Wednesday (16/10/2024) in the Bangsa Room, Udayana University Rectorate Building, Jimbaran.

Udayana University TU, RT and HTL Coordinator, Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widarma in his report said that the aim of this activity was to provide a deeper understanding of the management of official documents in accordance with applicable rules and guidelines. Apart from that, this activity will also provide material regarding the substance of how to write or manage correspondence service manuscripts.

This activity was opened directly by the General Bureau of Udayana University, Ni Made Pertami Susilawati, SE., M.M. In his speech, he said that this activity was carried out as an effort for the participants to understand how to write letters, especially official documents. The Head of the General Bureau also hopes that after providing technical guidance regarding the administration of official documents, official documents at Udayana University will be of higher quality.

During the activity, participants received material related to various types of official documents and preparation procedures in accordance with applicable regulations. Apart from that, participants were also given practical simulations to improve their abilities in applying the material that had been presented.

This activity presented 2 (two) speakers including Prof. Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum., Professor at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University who delivered material related to the rules for writing official scripts and I Made Widiartha, S.Si., M.Kom., as head of the Information Technology Services Sector, USDI Udayana University which provides technical training related to the use of the SIRAISA application. 

This activity closed with a question and answer session and the presentation of certificates to the speakers.