Udayana University Provides Learning Provisions and Character Education for 796 KIP Tuition and Affirmation Scholarship Recipients

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) through the Student Affairs Bureau is holding Learning Development and Character Education activities for Students Receiving PIP Higher Education Scholarships (KIP Lectures and Affirmation of Higher Education) Class of 2024 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (18/10/2024 ). This activity was opened directly by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, SP., M.Agr and was also attended by the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau and staff, the Scholarship Unit, Faculty representatives and other invitees.

Student Welfare Coordinator of the Unud Student Affairs Bureau, Ketut Desi Anggraeni Sulistiawati, SE., MM, in her report stated that the aim of this activity is so that students who receive KIP Lecture and Affirmation scholarships can graduate on time, namely 8 semesters with a cumulative GPA in accordance with the provisions stated in determined, and this activity was attended by 796 students. The details include 28 Affirmation scholarships, 761 KIP College scholarships, and 7 community proposals for KIP students.

"We routinely carry out this activity every year for new students because the KIP Tuition and Higher Education Affirmation scholarships are one of the government's flagship programs, to help our less fortunate friends to get a decent education like other students so that this program can be useful for all of us," said the Coordinator.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya in his speech conveyed that the implementation of Learning Development and Character Education activities for KIP-Kuliah 2024 students is actually one of Unud's strategies to increase public openness regarding the Scholarship management system and coaching for younger students who receive KIP-Kuliah and affirmation scholarships. Apart from that, students are expected to have a high sense of concern to help improve the quality of education both through academic and non-academic achievements and others while maintaining the good name of Udayana University.

The scholarships given by the government to students at tertiary institutions, in this case Udayana University, are not small, it is recorded that KIP-Kuliah scholarship recipients in 2024 alone reached more than 789 recipients with a distribution of 761 for KIP-K recipients and 28 for Affirmation, this proves the government's seriousness in ensuring education for underprivileged citizens so they can complete their studies on time.

"Of course, we at the university hope that the students can quickly graduate from this beloved Udayana University with maximum grades. It is also hoped that the students who receive it will be able to pass on this good information to their colleagues, brothers and sisters so that they can register in the system. KIP-College by choosing Udayana University, because apart from paying UKT directly to the university by the government, of course assistance is also provided to support one month's living expenses which is paid every month into the student's account. Of course this amount is very sufficient to help relieve parents burden in times like now," said the Vice Rector.

This activity presented three speakers, namely the Head of MBKM Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si with material related to MBKM, Head of the Counseling Unit Komang Rahayu Indrawati, S.Psi., M.Si with material on Guidance and Counseling, and Head of the Dewa Gede Scholarship Management Unit Pradnya Yustiawan, SH., MH with Scholarship material PIP Higher Education KIP College and Affirmation of Higher Education.