Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Implements Basic Competency Selection for National Civil Service Candidates in 2024

Udayana University (Unud) with several other universities under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology such as Ganesha Education University, ISI Denpasar, and Bali State Polytechnic were appointed as local committees for the Bali region in implementing the Basic Competency Selection for Candidates for Civil Servants ( SKD CPNS) in 2024. In this case, the Ganesha University of Education (Undiksha) Singaraja is trusted as the Selection Implementing Coordinator. The selection will take place for five days from 19 to 23 October 2024 at the State Civil Service Agency Building, Regional Office X Denpasar.

The number of participants who took part in the selection process for the Bali region was 1,406 participants. The selection process took place in 15 sessions, namely one session on October 19, four sessions on October 20, four sessions on October 21, four sessions on October 22, and two sessions on October 23 2024. Selection was carried out using the CAT system (Computer Assisted Test) where each session is attended by 100 participants.

Selection participants are required to follow the rules according to the registration guide and before carrying out CAT the committee also reads out the rules that must be followed and also displays information regarding the technical implementation of CAT. After taking the CAT, participants can see the results on the YouTube channel or on the screen provided by the committee outside the building.

Passing grade or threshold score is the score that must be achieved by participants in the 2024 CPNS SKD, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN-RB) Number 321 of 2024. In this SKD selection, participants will be given 100 minutes to completed 110 questions consisting of 30 questions on the National Insight Test (TWK), 35 questions on the General Intelligence Test (TIU), and 45 Personal Characteristics Test (TKP) questions.

Meanwhile, the passing grades for each component are TWK 65, TIU 80, and TKP 166 in the general category, Cumulative Grades SKD 311 and TIU 85 in the Cum Laude/With Honors category, and Cumulative Grades SKD 286, TIU 85 in the Disabled Persons category. In the selection process this time, Udayana University received an allocation of 362 formations, including 332 formations for lecturer positions and 30 formations for educational staff.