Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University Hosts National Meeting of Indonesian Chemistry Department Heads Forum (FKJKI) in 2024

Jimbaran - The 2024 National Meeting of the Indonesian Chemistry Department Heads Forum (FKJKI) was held at Udayana University (Unud) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was the host. The activity which was opened by the Rector of Unud took place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (23/10/2024). In this activity, three agendas took place, namely the Chemistry Department Heads' Forum which was coupled with an International Accreditation Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and an MBKM FGD, then the National IPR Meeting and IPR Congress.

Chief Executive of FKJKI Dr. Ida Ayu Gede Widihati, S.Si., M.Si in her report said that this activity was attended by 71 Heads of Departments, Heads of Departments, Coordinators of Chemistry Study Programs and Chemical Education, both Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees from all over Indonesia as well as 55 participants in the HKI Congress . The main aim of this meeting is to achieve several important things, namely Building a Sustainable Partnership Network and Carrying out FGDs with material on International Accreditation and MBKM management with resource person Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng., Ph.D., Drs. Muhamad Abdulkadir Martoprawiro, M.S., Ph.D, Prof. Drs. Anang Wahid Muhammad Diah, Ph.D and Prof. Dr. Sukro Muhab, M.Sc.

Through this FGD, strategic steps will be discussed to achieve international accreditation of chemistry study programs and MBKM management in an effort to support the achievement of the mandated Key Performance Indicators (IKU).  The FGD is also expected to strengthen chemistry study programs through collaboration with related associations.

"We hope that through this forum, we can exchange ideas, share experiences, and develop strategic steps for the advancement of education and research in the field of chemistry. Let's make the best use of this opportunity for mutual progress," said the Chief Executive.

Chairman of HKI Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Nurdin, M.Sc., IPU., ASEAN.Eng in his speech conveyed our main activity, namely the Indonesian Chemistry Department Heads Forum, which of course we already understand that this media is an opportunity to share experiences from Heads of Departments, maybe there is one best practices that can be shared so that we can all move together to improve the quality of our education.

Then there is a national meeting of the Indonesian Chemical Association which is expected to formulate future steps for the Chemical Association in the hope of being able to contribute to this country with activities that have an impact on the development of Indonesia. Then there is also the Congress, where there are several matters related to the articles of association and bylaws as well as the election of a new chairman. And the next day an international conference was held which became an annual event.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D, in his speech said that this FKJKI activity has very significant goals, including building a sustainable partnership network with outstanding human resources from the Department of Chemistry, both at the national and international levels. We believe that close collaboration between Chemistry Study Programs throughout Indonesia will create synergies that will strengthen our position in facing global challenges.

In order to increase global competitiveness, international accreditation of study programs is one of the parameters that must be fought for. This effort is a strategic step to ensure that our curriculum and education management comply with international standards, so that graduates can compete in the global market.

"My hope is that through this forum, we can develop policies that support strengthening the Chemistry Study Program with related associations. This will open up more opportunities for cooperation and improve the quality of our education," said the Rector.

The output of this activity is expected to create various strategic policies, such as increasing partnership networks, collaboration between study programs, and policies to accelerate international accreditation which will serve as guidance for all of us.