Abdidaya Ormawa 2024 Officially Closed, Udayana University Wins 7 Awards

Jimbaran - Closing and Awarding Night for Abdidaya Ormawa 2024 took place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (9/11/2024) evening. Recipients of the 2024 Anugerah Abdidaya Ormawa awards consist of 56 awards for the Ormawa PPK implementation team, 36 awards for Ormawa in implementing Ormawa PPK, 20 awards for Ormawa PPK assistant lecturers, 20 awards for PTs in implementing Ormawa PPK, and Awards for sustainability Partners (Village Partners and/or External Institutional Partners) totaling 12 awards.

The determination of the five groups of award recipients was carried out before the implementation of Abdidaya Ormawa 2024 through logbook searches, PKP, visits and field verification. Apart from the 5 groups of recipients of the 2024 Abdidaya Ormawa awards mentioned above, there are 3 types of categories determined during the Abdidaya Ormawa implementation, namely Posters with 15 awards, Video with 15 awards and Expo Stand with 3 awards.

Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech expressed his gratitude for completing the 4th series of Abdidaya Ormawa activities well and was proud and moved to see the enthusiasm and dedication that had been shown by all parties during this activity. The Rector also congratulated the students who won awards. The achievements that have been achieved are not just a form of appreciation and appreciation, but also a responsibility to continue to be an inspiration for other friends. Through this opportunity, the Chancellor also expressed his highest appreciation to the Ministry for giving trust to Unud as the host and the support provided by the Director of Belmawa and his staff.

Belmawa Director Prof. Sri Suning Kusumawardani in his speech closing Abdidaya Ormawa 2024 expressed his gratitude to all participants who had actively participated, shared experiences and discussed the important role of students in nation building. He also expressed his appreciation to all parties who had contributed. 

"Through Abdidaya, we are jointly trying to build the younger generation, students who are not only academically intelligent but also have high soft skills and social sensitivity as well as strong student organizational capacity. Students are the hope of all of us who will become agents of change for our country," she said.

The theme raised this time emphasizes the importance of technological innovation and partnerships as a basis for strengthening student capacity. He hopes that through this event participants will become more aware of their roles and responsibilities as agents of change in their respective environments.

After being officially closed by the Director of Belmawa which was marked by the removal of Kayonan, the event continued with the awarding which began with the reading of the Decree of the Director of Belmawa regarding the Determination of Recipients of the 2024 Abdidaya Ormawa Award by the Reviewer Representative by Prof. Allah Sailah.

At the 2024 Abdidaya Ormawa Award, Udayana University won 7 awards, namely Best 1 in the Higher Education Category with the Most Comprehensive Support, Best in 3 in the Most Active Assistant Lecturer category in the name of Wayan Nata Septiadi, Best in 4 in the Ormawa Category with the Strongest Sustainability Strategy, namely the Environmental Engineering Student Association, Best in 1 in the Team Category With the Highest Community Participation, Best in 3 Team Categories with the Most Complete Ormawa Support, Best in 1 Poster Category Most Informative, Best 3 Most Informative Video Categories.