Udayana University Holds Training of Trainers for Field Supervisors for Independent Entrepreneurship Program Batch 3

Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau held Training of Trainers (ToT) for Field Supervisors for the Independent Entrepreneurship Program Batch 3 at the Hall of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Wednesday (2/10/24). 

This activity was opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D., who in his speech said that this activity was one of the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) activities from the Ministry and of course Udayana University as the organizer of the Batch 3 Independent Entrepreneurship activities.

The number of participants was 306 students from five universities, namely Udayana University, Indonesian Art Institute Denpasar, Warmadewa University, Dwijendra University and Panji Sakti University. Of course, this activity will not only run with the number of students, but here your role is as a companion or Field Supervisor (DPL) who will direct and demand students in carrying out this Independent Entrepreneurship.

Apart from that, this activity was carried out to provide training so that everyone has the same perception or understanding of the implementation of Independent Entrepreneurship activities. If there are new things in this activity that are conveyed by the resource persons, it is hoped that the supervising lecturers will be serious in listening, asking questions, or discussing good things that will add to the success of the implementation of this Batch 3 Independent Entrepreneurship activity.

"Because after all, the success of implementing this activity cannot be determined by the chief executive alone, but the success of the goals and targets of this Entrepreneurship is from Mr. and Mrs. as the companion. Therefore, Sir/Madam as companion and teacher will ensure that the CBL/CPMK output targets expected from this Independent Entrepreneurship activity can be achieved, and of course later the guidelines and things that have been prepared by the MBKM Team can be used as a reference so that everyone from "The group that will be accompanied can carry out their activities well and achieve the results or targets that have been planned from the start," said Prof. Sudarsana.

The Vice Rector further said that we should work together to develop students in the future, because in addition to achieving IKU, we also aim to achieve the target of creating young entrepreneurs in the future. IKU 2 can be achieved directly by the number of students and later graduates who have businesses can also be achieved in IKU 1 which has been planned or contracted to be implemented with the Rector of Udayana University and other universities participating in this Batch 3 Independent Entrepreneurship activity.

The Training of Trainers for Field Supervisors for the Independent Entrepreneurship Program Batch 3 presented two speakers, namely Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, M.Si with presentation of material on the Introduction to the Independent Entrepreneurship Program (WMK) and Assignment Standards and Deka Isnadi with presentation of Training for Business Coach material, and guided by moderator Suksma Sushanti, S.S., M.Sc.