Celebrating the Anniversary, Udayana University International Affairs Office Holds Udayana International Sports Day 2024

Jimbaran, 14 September 2024 – Udayana University (Unud) successfully held The 1st Udayana International Sports Day 2024, which was officially opened on Saturday morning by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ketut Sudarsana. This activity was held in the field of the Rectorate of Udayana University, Jimbaran, involving International Program students at Udayana University. 

This activity is a celebration of the first sports competition involving international students organized by the Udayana University Office of International Affairs (KUI) in conjunction with the commemoration of the 62nd Anniversary of Udayana University.

In his speech, the Vice Rector expressed the hope that this event could strengthen togetherness and kinship, create stronger ties and foster close relationships between the Udayana University academic community, international partners and international students by providing opportunities to interact, communicate and develop teamwork. in fun and collaborative activities. 

Coordinator of KUI Unud, Dr. Senja Pratiwi, in her report said that there were 150 international students who participated in this event: IBSN (44 students), Go Study (19 students), Go Bali (32 students), BIPAS (8 students), BIPA (5 students), TE (6 students), Elective Study (11 students), Sport and Physiotherapy (11 students), Darmasiswa and Exchange students (5 students). This event is filled with various exciting games and dance activities, including Gemu Famire Gymnastics, Tug of War, Sack Racing, Balloon Relay, Lava Walk, and Spijkerpoepen.

It is hoped that the friendship that emerges from this event will encourage positive social interaction between the university, the international community and local students, and also to promote and improve the experience of foreign students while they are enrolled at Udayana University.