Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University Holds National Seminar on Language, Literature and Culture, Presenting Two Guest Speakers from the University of Indonesia and Sebelas Maret University

Denpasar - The Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (Unud) held a National Seminar on Language, Literature and Culture with the theme "Language, Literature and Culture in the Digital Era" at the Widya Sabha Mandala Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra Nias Denpasar Campus, Friday (13/9/2024). This seminar presented two guest speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Tri Wiratno, M.A (Sebelas Maret University) and Prof. Dr. Cecep Eka Permana, S.Si., M.Si (University of Indonesia). Apart from that, there were also three main speakers from Unud, namely Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Darma Putra, M.Litt, Dr. I.B. Pujaastawa, M.A and Dr. I Gede Oeinada, S.S., M. Hum. The seminar was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud.

Chairman of the Kadek Committee, Dedy Prawirajaya R., S.S., M.Si, in his report said that this seminar is a form of academic activity which aims to increase our insight, knowledge and skills in the field of education. This seminar is also a forum for sharing ideas and innovations between practitioners, academics, researchers and observers of Language, Literature and Culture in Indonesia. This activity is also an annual agenda for the Faculty of Humanities since 2021 and this seminar is the fourth edition.

There were 150 participants who took part in the seminar consisting of lecturers, researchers, practitioners, students and featuring 54 speakers from various regions including UPN Veteran East Java, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Malang State University, Jakarta National University, BRIN Jakarta, Indonesian Provincial Blind Association Bali, Bali Dwipa University, STAH Mpu Kuturan Singaraja, Mahasaraswati University, PRI Mahadewa Indonesia University, and the Faculty of Humanities of Unud.

"We hope that this national seminar can provide benefits for all of us in developing better education now and in the future," said the Chair of the Committee.

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities I Nyoman Aryawibawa, S.S., M.A., Ph.D in his speech said that this seminar is routinely held every year and is also held in conjunction with the celebration of the 62nd Anniversary of Unud, as well as the 66th Anniversary of the Faculty of Humanities and the Badan Kekeluargaan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (BKFIB) 43rd. The implementation of this seminar is a realization of the Strategic Plan commitment of the Faculty of Humanities in the academic field. Apart from that, there are also research-based activities.

The National Seminar on Language, Literature and Culture is also the target of our commitment to creating academic conditions at the Faculty of Humanities. The hope is that this activity can realize the figures from the performance indicators in the Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Humanities. Until 2023, the publication achievements of international scientific works will exceed the figures listed in the Strategic Plan and what is still lacking are publications in national journals. The hope is that through this seminar forum it can boost the publication of scientific works in national journals.

Meanwhile the Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU in his speech appreciated the implementation of this seminar because the theme raised was very much in line with the Main Scientific Pattern of Udayana University, namely Culture. The current digital era, which is increasingly intense as part of the modernization process, has made culture a very crucial aspect. Cultural values ​​which are part of language, literature and culture are experiencing increasingly widespread development. Developments in the digital era are both opportunities and challenges for us all. We must attract the sympathy of the younger generation who are relatively ignorant of textual cultural heritage.

"The digital generation needs information that is comprehensive, concise and concise, representing a phenomenon that continues to develop. If we ignore technological advances like this, we will inevitably be left behind by the younger generation," said the Vice Rector.

The Vice Rector added that one important thing is that we have to create digitalization and audiovisual courses that already exist at university level and several study programs have already developed them. It is hoped that this seminar will provide benefits not only for the development of the academic world but also practical benefits for the progress of the nation and state.