Udayana University BEM Holds Porseni for the 62nd Anniversary

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of Udayana University (Unud) held the Grand Opening of the 62nd Anniversary of Udayana University at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Unud Jimbaran Campus, Thursday (12/09/2024).

Porseni Dies Natalis this time raised the theme Prati Gamadhikari Baswara Udayana by bringing the spirit to progress and shine towards a special journey, namely glory for Udayana University.

Chairman of the Dies Natalis Porseni Committee, Bagus Ramadan, in his report said that Dies Natalis Porseni is a form of celebrating the anniversary of Udayana University. In this year's Porseni Dies Natalis activities there are 12 branches being competed, including Futsal, Basketball, Badminton, PES, MLBB, Billiards, Chess, Contemporary Dance, Solo Vocal, Group Vocal, Jegeg Bagus Udayana, and PUBG Mobile. It is hoped that the implementation of the Porseni Anniversary will produce people who can bring the good name of Udayana University both on the national and international levels in the future.

Chairman of BEM Unud I Wayan Tresna Suwardiana in his speech said that Porseni Dies Natalis was an event for the 13 faculties within Udayana University to compete to be the best, but of course this activity should not be used as a dividing wall between faculties.

"I hope that this Porseni Dies Natalis will be a family event and a place to strengthen ties of brotherhood for all of us within Udayana University," said the Chair of BEM.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that as usual every year the Porseni Dies Natalis is held which is expected to be an event for all faculties to come together and remain supportive. The Rector further said that through this Porseni Dies activity, young talents would be born who would support Udayana University's achievements in the future.

"I hope everyone maintains order, let's understand that this Anniversary is the birthday of Udayana University," said the Rector.