Three Candidates for Rector of Udayana University Convey Vision and Mission and Work Programs to the Academic Community

Denpasar - The Rector Candidate Selection Committee held a Dialogue for Candidates for Rector of Udayana University (Unud) for the 2024-2028 period at the Postgraduate Building Hall, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (12/9/2024). This activity was also broadcast live via Udayana TV's YouTube.

This dialogue presented five panelists, namely Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, SH., MH (Academic), Dr. Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, SE., M.Si (Ikayana), Ricardo Constantio Elim (Student Executive Board), Ni Luh Yudi Ayuningsih (Student Representative Council), David Christopher Tjandra (Outstanding Student). Present at this dialogue event were the Chairman and Secretary of the Unud Senate, the Rector's Election Committee, Representatives of Lecturers, Students and Staff as well as other invitees.

The three Rectors candidates who conveyed their vision and mission and work programs through this Dialogue activity according to their lottery serial numbers, namely Candidate for Rector I Dr.Drs. I Made Satriya Wibawa, M.Si, Candidate for Rector II Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada, S.Pt., MP, Candidate for Rector III Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D.

Chair of the Rector Selection Committee Prof. I Gusti Putu Bagus Sukaarjawa conveyed a glimpse of the Rector selection process which has started in February 2024 and has been socialized through various existing media. Registration opened in March but there was a letter from the Ministry to postpone this process and then resumed in July. Registration opened again from July to August and there were four prospective candidates who registered, but one of the prospective candidates did not meet the requirements. In the end, registration was extended and there were two more prospective candidates who registered, so there were five prospective candidates. On September 3, the Senate conducted a screening process from five prospective candidates to three candidates for Rector. Furthermore, today a dialogue will be held with the Rector candidates, and then on October 3 an election will be held involving the Ministry. He hopes that the Rector selection process will run smoothly.

Chairman of the Unud Senate Prof. I Gede Mahardika, in his speech at the same time opening the dialogue, said that the reference used in the process of selecting the Rector was Permenristekdikti number 19 of 2017 which was then outlined in Senate Regulation Number 1 of 2024. In this process there were several stages carried out, starting with the process of selecting prospective candidates, where It is required that there be a minimum of four prospective candidates. Then the second stage is the screening stage, namely selecting three candidates for Rector on September 3 and the election on October 3 and the hope is that the inauguration will be on November 3, namely the end of Prof. Ngakan Suardana as Rector. The ongoing process is in accordance with what is mandated by the Ministerial Regulation. Currently, dialogue is being held to socialize the vision and mission and work programs that will be planned in leading Udayana University. We hope to get a candidate for Rector who can be supported by all parties so that we can advance Udayana University.

The vision and mission and work program of each candidate, namely Dr. I Made Satriya Wibawa has a vision towards a superior Udayana University through improving Tri Dharma Higher Education Services with the mission of improving academic and research quality; expanding access to inclusive education; building a global cooperation network; strengthening governance and transparency. Meanwhile, the work program is improving academic quality; research and innovation development; improving infrastructure, management and governance; student development programs; and international cooperation.

Dr. I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada has a vision to make Udayana University a superior, independent, cultural and sustainable university towards a world class university with the mission of providing higher education to produce competitive human resources and empower alumni; developing cultural science and technology for community independence and welfare; developing innovative, prospective and sustainable work for the institution; and optimizing the institution towards PTN-BH with a superior and innovative personality. Meanwhile the work program refers to the Main Performance Indicators (IKU); planning program; graduate quality improvement program; HR quality improvement program; curriculum and learning improvement programs; and internationalization programs.

Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana has a vision of realizing Udayana University which is globally competitive based on innovation and culture with the mission of implementing innovative education based on research and service to produce graduates who are globally competitive and have noble morals; strengthening organizational governance, resources and collaboration with various stakeholders based on a quality culture; and increasing social and environmental responsibility through downstream research in the form of community service. While the work program is International Academic Reputation; Planning, Finance and Facilities Management; Organization and Human Resources; Research, Innovation and Downstreaming; and Cooperation and Revenue Generating.

After presenting the vision and mission and work program by each Rector Candidate, the panelists were given the opportunity to ask one question each and the opportunity to ask questions was also given to the audience who had attended. The moderator of this dialogue is I Ketut Sudiarta, SH., MH.

One of the students who attended this Dialogue, namely Naina from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, in a separate interview said that the hopes of the students were that what was said today in the Rector Candidate Dialogue was not just mere talk but was also realized because the students also put their hopes in leaders or Future Rector of Udayana University.

Meanwhile, one of Nengah Yudani's employees from the Faculty of Tourism said that the Rector in the future is expected to be able to consolidate internal work teams and prioritize institutional goals over personal goals and strive to achieve equality between the faculty and the community to support each other for the progress of Udayana University.