Udayana University Holds National Community Service Seminar (SEMADI) in 2024

The Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau through the Student Scientific Publication Management Unit (UP2IM) held the 2024 Udayana University National Seminar on Community Service (SEMADI) at the Agrokomplek Building, 4th Floor, Unud Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (2/9/24). 

The seminar with the theme "Developing Villages Through Community Empowerment with Ormawa" was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D, who was marked by hitting the gong, also attended this activity, namely the 2024 Ormawa PPK Supervisors and students who passed the 2024 Ormawa PPK funding.

Head of the Student Scientific Publication Management Unit (UP2IM) Unud Wayan Nata Septiadi in his report said that the Ormawa National Seminar on Community Service (SEMADI) was the first to be held at Unud. This activity aims to inspire the Ormawa in the Unud environment to be more enthusiastic or more involved in village development activities through community service activities or Ormawa PPK activities held by Belmawa.

SEMADI Ormawa's activities were also imitated from activities held by one of the speakers invited today, namely Prof. Parmin, this activity is quite good and can provide insight and knowledge to Ormawa, so it is hoped that in the future this activity can run even better. Participants who took part in this activity came from Udayana University, Jember University, Tidar University, Palangka Raya University and NTT.

With these two speakers, it is hoped that they can provide insight, knowledge and enthusiasm to Ormawa-Ormawa and PPK Ormawa to be even more enthusiastic about building villages like the theme raised today.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech strongly supported activities that aimed at developing students' soft skills, and increasing students' empathy for society, because they would later enter society after becoming graduates. 

At Udayana University, there are ten teams that have passed the funding at PPK Ormawa and hopefully after the progress assessment will be able to enter to take part in the 2024 Abdidaya Ormawa Award which will be held at Udayana University.

The activities carried out are part of the downstreaming or development of students' soft skills after carrying out community service activities in the village. After that, they will write scientific papers so that they can be published later because these results will also be published in community service journals. Udayana University is committed that the PPK Ormawa activities will be included in the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) activities and converted into twenty credits.

"Therefore, we record and review the monitoring and progress of whatever needs to be done in the field because the review teams in the Character and Community Service Development Unit (UPKP) are always there to accompany the village and also review the progress in the village. "to ensure that the Ormawa or implementing team carrying out activities in the field are actually carrying out the activities, so that the SKS conversion is not just about getting SKS but is truly beneficial for the team and the children who work," said Prof Sudarsana.

This seminar also presented two speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Parmin, S.Pd., M.Pd with a presentation on Strengthening the Capacity of Internal Student Organizations in Higher Education, and Dr. Ir. Ni Luh Gde Sumardani, S.Pt., M.Si, with a presentation on Ormawa PPK Implementation in Supporting MBKM Implementation.