Supporting the Digitalization of Tourism Villages, KKN-PUM Bunga Mekar Udayana University Holds Socialization on Designing Digital Content Assets and MSMEs

In the massive development of the digitalization era, digital content assets are considered to play an important role in promotional activities for tourist villages and local MSMEs within them. Today's easy access to information is an opportunity and challenge that must be faced by tourist villages. So starting from that, the Bunga Mekar Village KKN, Udayana University wants to invite the community, especially in Bunga Mekar Village, to understand more about what digital content assets are and how to design them.

The socialization with the theme Designing Digital Content Assets and MSMEs for Tourism Promotion Activities in Bunga Mekar Village, Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali, was held in the Meeting Room of the Bunga Mekar Village Office on Thursday, August 22 2024.

This socialization was carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, Dr. I Wayan Suardana, SST.Par., M.Par. by discussing material related to MSMEs and the realities of standardization that must be faced and the second speaker was Putu Agus Wikanatha Sagita, SST.Par,. M.Par., one of the lecturers at the Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, who discussed specifically digital asset planning and the six pillars of information technology.

The socialization, which was attended by approximately 40 people, based on the words of the Bunga Mekar Village Student Coordinator, Ni Kadek Ayu Aryanti, targeted MSME owners, village officials and the Bunga Mekar Village community. "For this socialization, which is part of the Udayana Serving Service, it is focused on the community, especially MSME owners and Bunga Mekar Village officials. For MSME owners, we invite PKK mothers who all have MSME businesses," he said.

This socialization took place smoothly and interactively. This is shown through the activeness of participants during discussion sessions. It is hoped that the smooth running of this activity can fulfill the aim of this socialization, namely for the full progress of Bunga Mekar Village and the sustainability of local MSMEs in Bunga Mekar Village amidst the current boom in tourism in Nusa Penida District.