Udayana University Holds Workshop on Preparing Draft Rector's Regulations

Udayana University (Unud) held a Workshop on Preparing Draft Rector's Regulations (Ranpertor) at the Platinum Jimbaran Hotel from 21 to 23 August 2024. This workshop was held in the context of the transformation process of Udayana University into a PTN-BH. This workshop was attended by the Drafting Team for the Draft Regulations for the Rector of Udayana University as well as from external parties such as private universities.

Chief Executive Dr. I Wayan Gayun Widharma in his report said that the Udayana University PTN-BH journey process had begun with the preparation of proposals since 2022. In the process, various regulations were drafted that would support the autonomy granted by PTN-BH. In 2023, 4 Rector's Regulations have been finalized which must be in place when Udayana University becomes a PTN-BH. Meanwhile, in 2024 the focus will be on preparing strategic regulations in the form of 9 regulations, and it is hoped that by the end of August we will be able to complete these 9 Draft Rector's Regulations.

Meanwhile, the Chair of PTN-BH Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara, representing the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, in his speech said that Chaitanya regulations are very important in the process of transforming Udayana University into PTN-BH. The preparation of the Draft Rector's Regulations for this year began in February. On this occasion there will be a Workshop on Draft Rector's Regulations on Fund Management and this will be followed by Input Cost Standards as well as Accounting Systems and Financial Reports.

Furthermore, Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara said that input from external parties, especially private universities, also needs to be taken into account so that the Draft Rector's Regulations that are prepared are truly comprehensive.

The first day of the workshop was the Preparation of Draft Rector's Regulations on Udayana University Fund Management which presented two speakers, namely Dr. Ardiantor, S.E., M.Sc., Ak. from Airlangga University and Dr. Ir. Suwadi, M.T from the Sepuluh November Technology Intitus.

Meanwhile, on the second day of the workshop, there was the preparation of the Draft Rector's Regulation on Accounting and Reporting Mechanisms at Udayana University and on the third day the Draft of the Rector's Regulation on Standards for Input Fees at Udayana University, featuring resource person Helmy Adam, MSA, Ak. CPMA.