Selection of 2024 PUI-PT Grant Recipients, CPHI Udayana University Visited by DRTPM Team

Denpasar - The Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service (DRTPM) team together with the Assessment Team visited the Center for Public Health Innovation at Udayana University (CPHI Unud) in the context of selecting grant recipients for the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUI-PT) in 2024. This activity took place at the Unud Faculty of Medicine Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (11/7/2024). Present at the activity were the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs representing the Rector of Unud, LPPM Representatives, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Chair and CPHI Team as well as other guests. Meanwhile, the DRTPM Team present was Prof. Dr. Ir. C. Hanny Wijaya, M.Agr (IPB), Prof. Dr. Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto, drh., M.Kes (UNAIR), Levyn Triastono Taufiq (DRTPM) and Dwi Rustandi (DRTPM).

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. In his speech, I Gede Rai Maya Temaja said that CPHI had its embryo in the Faculty of Medicine and was then developed under the auspices of LPPM Unud to become a Center of Excellence for Higher Education Science and Technology. Until now, CPHI's research and performance among other centers has quite active collaboration both nationally and internationally. Therefore, it is directed to become a Center of Excellence for Science and Technology. CPHI is proud to represent Udayana University in the PUI-PT grant competition where out of 80 only 8 remain. Hopefully this will give us encouragement to improve even though CPHI has produced many outcomes for public health in particular, but of course institutionally and governance is necessary. There have been many improvements and the Vice Rector hopes for assistance from the Assessment Team regarding what needs to be improved so that it will become a worthy center of excellence.

"We from the Rectorate of Udayana University really support this CPHI embryo to become a Center of Excellence for Science and Technology implementing the vision and mission of Udayana University to produce superior, independent, cultural and globally competitive outcomes," said the Vice Rector.

Through this opportunity, the Vice Rector also hopes for input from the DRTPM Team regarding the steps that need to be taken to align CPHI with other Science and Technology Centers of Excellence. Unud also has PUI Tourism and also has other embryos that are specific and can go global, becoming an attraction for international cooperation to be upgraded to PUI-PT. The Vice Rector hopes that the aim of the DRTPM visitation will run smoothly and that CPHI, according to mutual hopes, can become PUI-PT.

DRTPM representative Levyn Triastono Taufiq said that this visitation was related to funding for the PUI-PT program in 2024. This activity is a series of selection processes from the beginning to administrative selection, substance and currently there are 8 PUI-PT remaining for visitation. The CPHI Team invites the CPHI Team to explain what CPHI has implemented and achieved as well as discussing with experts to provide input, suggestions and so on. , where this will be a consideration in PUI-PT funding from DRTPM in 2024.

Meanwhile, the Assessment Team, Prof. Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto in his direction said that through this activity his party would explore what had been written and would verify it. Of course, the results of this visitation will be one of the considerations for determining and determining as PUI-PT. His party will only provide a report on the results of the visitation and what will be determined later by DRTPM.

Prof. Hanny Wijaya added that one of the easiest indicators is a lot of achievements, don't just write down three achievements. This assessment does not depend on individuals but on the achievements of the center of excellence. His party is very serious about ensuring that after the mentoring period they continue to survive. Institutional leaders are expected to continue to support and be responsible until PUI can stand on its own.