Increasing Capacity for Understanding PPKS and Signing of the PPKS Integrity Pact for Leaders within Udayana University
Kuta - Udayana University (Unud) carried out activities to increase capacity in understanding PPKS and signing the PPKS Integrity Pact for leaders within Udayana University at the Nusa Penida Room Bali Dynasty Resort, Friday (19/7/2024). This activity presented two speakers from the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely Julians Andarsa, SH., LLM (Head of the Monitoring Report Processing Section, Chair of the Secretariat of the Violence Working Group for Education, Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture) and Indra Budi Setiawan, S.Kom., M.Pd (Responsible for Violence Issues Sexual, Security Climate Team, Education Unit, Center for Character Strengthening, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology).
Present at the activity were the Vice Rector for Student Affairs representing the Rector of Unud, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders, Institutional Leaders, Heads of Bureaus, Coordinators and Sub-Coordinators, Head of the MBKM Unit, PPKS Unud Team and representatives of related units. Apart from that, external parties from the Bali Regional Police, UPT PPA Bali Province, APIK Legal Aid Institute and Hopehelps Unud also attended.
Chairman of the Unud PPKS Unit, I Gusti Agung Ayu Dike Widhyaastuti, SH., MH, in his report said that the implementation of this activity was one of the mandates for implementing PPKS in Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Higher Education Environment, and was aimed at providing in-depth education. to leaders and staff regarding the importance of preventing sexual violence in the tertiary environment and the handling mechanisms that can be implemented by tertiary institutions.
"With this activity, it is hoped that in the future the leaders within Unud will have the same vision and mission in preventing and handling sexual violence that occurs within Unud. The signing of the integrity pact today will be standard evidence that the entire Unud community is committed to carrying out "preventing and handling sexual violence in the Unud environment," she said.
Meanwhile the Vice Rector Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, ST., Ph.D in his speech conveyed the formation of the Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence (PPKS Task Force) at Udayana University, where this is the university's commitment in this PPKS which was then also outlined in Rector's Regulation Number 12 of 2021. Unud PPKS Task Force Team has also created guidelines and guidelines for PPKS Unud which are stipulated by the Rector's Decree Number 842 of 2022. Since the formation of the Task Force, several cases have been handled well, the complexity of the existing problems and the increasing trend of the issue of sexual violence, which is an increasingly hot social problem, the university leadership supports PPKS Task Force to carry out this activity.
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The successful implementation of PPKS at Unud cannot only be managed by the Task Force Team consisting of seven people, but requires the commitment and collaboration of the entire Udayana University academic community. The Vice Rector also wants the entire academic community to take action if they learn of a violation.
"Through well-organized collaboration between all leaders, the Unud Academic Community and the entire Unud PPPKS Task Force working network, we hope to achieve a lecture ecosystem that is superior, independent, cultural and free from sexual violence at Udayana University," he said.
In this activity, an integrity pact was signed by the Faculty Deans and Postgraduate Directors witnessed by the Vice Rector and Chair of the Unud PPKS Task Force, which was then continued by the presentation of material by the speakers.
The material presented was Handling Violence to Create Quality Education for All by Julians Andarsa, the Vital Role of Higher Education Leaders in Efforts to Prevent and Handle Sexual Violence in the Higher Education Environment by Indra Budi Setiawan and material on PPKS Mechanisms in the Unud Environment by the Chair of the Unud PPKS Task Force.