LAM-PTKes Assessors Visit the Biomedical Science Master's Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in the Context of Reaccreditation

Denpasar - The Assessor Team of the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKes) carried out a field assessment in the context of reaccreditation of the Biomedical Sciences Master's Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Unud). The opening of the assessment took place in the Dr. A.A Made Djelantik Meeting Room Faculty of Medicine Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Friday (28/6/2024).

This activity was attended by the Rector of Unud, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Chair of the Institution, Head of USDI, Secretary of the Library, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine along with staff and Coordinators, Faculty Senate, Network Hospital Leaders, Lecturers, Students, Alumni and other invitees . The assessors present were Dr. Dr. Hamzah, Sp.An, KNA, KIC and Dr. Dr. Ramona Dumasari Lubis, Sp.KK (K), M.Ked (KK).

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that Udayana University is the oldest and largest university in Bali which will of course be a reference for other universities in Bali and other institutions. So we must always strive to make the Udayana University institution always good and also committed to improving the quality of universities, faculties and study programs. One way is through accreditation, but before that also commit to implementing SPMI (Internal Quality Assurance System). 

We carry out this SPMI every year, besides that every year we also carry out AMI (Internal Quality Audit) in all study programs, where currently there are 127 study programs at Udayana University. This audit is to see how the quality assurance cycle is implemented. The PPEPP cycle continues to be carried out to maintain the quality of the study program. Then SPME will be carried out like today where external parties will take photos of the condition of our study program, whether PPEPP continues to run to guarantee quality which has an impact on our graduates.

"We are very committed from all leaders at the university, faculty and study program levels to always maintain the quality and improve the quality of our study programs which has an impact on our graduates," said the Rector.

The Rector further explained that in relation to the issuance of Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023, which was published last August, his party is committed to implementing it next semester. Through LP3M, existing standards have been improved following the Ministerial Regulation and the curriculum has also been reoriented.

The Rector hopes that through this assessment process the Master of Biomedical Sciences Study Program, which has currently achieved A accreditation, will hopefully achieve the title of Superior. Of the 37 study programs at the Faculty of Medicine, the majority have achieved the title of Excellence.

Meanwhile, the Assessor's representative, Dr. Hamzah said the main purpose of his visit was to see how suitable the portraits that had been done by the study program were. Apart from taking photos, the team will also provide input regarding what needs to be improved together. Assessors hope that in the future the Biomedical study program will be stronger, so it can be ensured that the downstream will be good.