Bali Regional Batch 4 Inbound Independent Student Exchange Cultural Festival (PMM) was held at Udayana University

The Bali Regional Batch 4 Inbound Independent Student Exchange (PMM) MBKM Program held a Cultural Festival at Udayana University on Saturday (22/06/2024) at the Widyasabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus. This activity was attended by 4 universities receiving PMM Batch 4, namely Udayana University, Warmadewa University, ITEKES Bali, and Mahasaraswati University with a total of 296 participants.

Director of Belmawa Kemdikbudristek Prof. Sri Suning Kusumawardani in his speech expressed his deepest appreciation to all universities receiving the Bali Regional PMM Batch 4 for their support, commitment and participation in implementing the PMM program. As we all know, in 2020 the Ministry of Education and Culture launched the MBKM policy to create superior human resources. This policy is not only about fulfilling the right to study outside the study program, but also fully invites multi-stakeholder involvement and collaboration in creating a more dynamic learning ecosystem to answer the complexity of problems in the future era.

The implementation of this activity shows that there has been collaboration and friendship between the archipelago in the Bali region. Through this PMM program, it shows that the Indonesian nation is very rich, not only with natural resources and beauty but also culture.

"I invite students to continue to be enthusiastic about maintaining and preserving arts and culture as a unifier of the nation, so that our arts and culture continue to exist in the place where they were born," said Director Belmawa.

Chief Executive of the Independent Student Exchange Cultural Festival (PMM) 4 Bali Regional Aldhimas Bagus Zevriawan in his report said that this Cultural Festival activity was a PMM student activity which was carried out in collaboration with 4 campuses namely Udayana University, Warmadewa University, ITEKES Bali, and Mahasaraswati University with the aim of strengthening each other in the future. Apart from that, this activity is also aimed at increasing understanding and tolerance for the culture in the archipelago.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana in his speech which also opened the event said that holding the Bali Regional PMM Cultural Festival with the theme "Harmony in Diversity" is a cultural performance to provide space and opportunities for our students to participate, be creative and display their best talents related to culture.

"The spirit of PMM as an MBKM program has a strategic and important role in increasing students' individual capacity into a collective capacity wrapped in a spirit of unity," said the Vice Rector.

This event was filled with cultural arts performances from each PMM student from four universities. Apart from art performances, the event was also filled with fashion shows featuring a variety of traditional clothing in Indonesia.