Strategy for Commercializing Research and Innovation Products, LPPM Udayana University Holds Focus Group Discussion

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of Udayana University (Unud) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Strategy for Commercialization of Research and Innovation Products at Udayana University & Guidelines for Research and Community Service, Edition X, Udayana University in 2024" at Bali Dynasty Kuta Resort, Thursday (20/6/24). This activity was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., IPU. Also present at this activity were leaders within Unud and LPPM Chairs of state and private universities outside Unud.

Chairman of LPPM Udayana University, Prof. Nyoman Suarsana in his report said that research results are still a form of invention and become innovation if the results of findings or inventions that are successfully commercialized provide economic, social and environmental benefits. Basically, commercialization refers to the process of turning the results of research and innovation into products or services that can be sold on the market. This involves the transfer of technology from an academic or laboratory environment to the industrial or business sector. Commercialization can take many forms, including the creation of a start-up, licensing of technology, or strategic partnerships with companies.

To improve product innovation, it is important to create an innovation ecosystem. This is related to the political will of leaders (top down) to create a research and innovation ecosystem. An innovation ecosystem is an environment in which various actors and elements interact to encourage and support innovation. This ecosystem includes various stakeholders, including governments, companies, academic institutions, investors, and society. The acceleration strategy is carried out by forming an assessment team for the Technology Readiness Level (TKT) and Innovation Readiness Level (KATSINOV). Selection of research that has the potential to produce innovative products and industrial prototypes by the accelerator team. Assignment of leaders for selected research to organize workshops on accelerating innovation and industrial prototyping.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. In this case, I Gede Rai Maya Temaja said that the strategy for commercializing research and innovation products is very important for Unud, so far research has been very good. Research is useful for individual researchers, namely for the credit pool and for university rankings, while the benefits for society need to be questioned, therefore this is where there is a need to downstream innovative products produced by Udayana University lecturers and students. 

"So the bridge there is now what we have to start with FGDs, at LPPM since 2022 we have initiated a science technopark, which is an institution or forum for us to accommodate innovations or research results so that we can later create a bridge to the business world, the industrial world, and "in the community sphere, that is what Udayana University is doing and now it is being supported by the Chair of LPPM for Unud innovators, not only for their own interests and not only for Unud's interests, and the community outside is waiting for the results of Unud's innovation," said Prof Rai.

Apart from that, the leadership really hopes that basic research will certainly support achievements in applied research, both of which have been given a proportional portion by Udayana University through LPPM for development. By carrying out this FGD activity, it is hoped that the innovation products at Udayana University which are currently still scattered across thirteen faculties will be combined into one, then institutionalized and the rectorate is also planning to build a building for the technopark science building and have an office there so that it can connect innovators. with its innovative products with the business world.

This Focus Group Discussion (FGD) presented three speakers, namely, Prof. Dr. Ir. Erika Budiarti Laconi, MS (Head of the Regional Institute of Science and Technology (LKST) IPB University Bogor with the material title "Commercialization Strategy and Management of Higher Education Research and Innovation Products", Luh Putu Ida Harini, S.Si., M.Sc (Preparation Team Guide for Lecturers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Unud) with the material title "Guide to the Commercialization of Research and Innovation Products at Udayana University in 2024", and Ir Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, M.P., Ph.D (Chair of the Team for Preparing the Guide for Lecturers at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Unud) with the material title " "Guide to Research and Community Service, Edition X, Udayana University in 2024."