The Search for Independent Pathways for Udayana University Achievements Entered the Interview Stage, Participated in by 167 Participants

The search for the 2024 Independent Achievement Pathway (PJMP) at Udayana University (Unud) has entered the interview stage. This interview stage was carried out in the Nusa Room, Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, which lasted for two days, namely 6 and 7 June 2024. The number of participants who took part in this interview stage was 167 people involving 13 interviewers consisting of the Vice Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana said that the PJMP implemented at Udayana University was part of the selection of independent students, this PJMP was a recommendation that would be given to the Academic Section as part of new student admissions. So this recommendation is based on the achievements obtained by these prospective students while attending high school or vocational school or equivalent.

The Vice Rector further explained that there were several stages in this selection, namely the registration stage by uploading files, of the number of files uploaded there were 632 participants who registered. Then an initial verification was carried out regarding the completeness of the files so that 241 participants were selected. Of these 241 participants, we verified the uploaded achievement files. There were 167 participants who passed this file verification who are currently taking part in the next stage, namely the interview stage. From this stage a ranking will be carried out and recommendations will be given for those who pass. The announcement that passes the recommendation is planned for June 14 2024.

"Our hope is that because we focus this selection on high school students who have achievements in high school, we also hope that those who pass this recommendation will become students later at Udayana University, we hope that they can still excel and contribute achievements to Udayana University. Because of this achievement. It is very important to achieve IKU as well as for university rankings and also institutional accreditation, be it the university itself, the faculty or the student's home study program," he said.

After carrying out the interview stage on the first day, the Vice Rector also held a meeting with the Interviewer Team to obtain a report on the interview process that had taken place and the findings obtained by the Team which would later be used as material for future evaluation.