Udayana University Student Representative Council together with the Student Affairs Bureau carry out an evaluation of UKM activity

Jimbaran - Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University (Unud), Prof. I Ketut Sudarsana opened and gave a speech at the Activity Evaluation of Student Activity Units (UKM), Superior UKM: Mitigating Challenges, Building Resilience, Achieving Brilliant Achievements, on Wednesday (5/6/2024) at the Bangsa Room, Udayana University Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus.


In his speech, the Vice Rector said that UKM is an extracurricular activity at the University level which is expected to be used as a forum for developing students' interests and talents. Apart from channeling hobbies, UKM can also be used to hone students' soft skills and leadership, considering that the role of students is very important as the spearhead in promoting Udayana University throughout Indonesia and the world because student achievements will be broadcast in various media, both print, electronic and online media.

This activity was carried out by the Udayana University Student Representative Council (DPM) and the Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau and was attended by each Udayana University UKM representative.

The Chairman of the DPM of Udayana University in his report said that the aim of this activity was to assess the performance and impact of UKM activities at Udayana University, where the evaluation results would later be used to improve UKM performance.

The Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau, which on this occasion was represented by the Coordinator of Student Interests, Reasoning and Information, I Made Budiastrawan, said in his speech that Udayana University has 31 UKM which were inaugurated by the Chancellor of Udayana University in early 2024 which are engaged in sports, arts and social. He also advised all students, both administrators and those who are active and involved in UKM activities, to always carry out activities with full responsibility and be able to excel but not abandon lecture activities.

This activity also presented a speaker, namely the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, who delivered material related to the development of UKM at Udayana University and was also attended by the Head of the Ormawa Development Unit (UPO) Dewa Gede Wiryangga Selangga.