Answering the Challenges in the Instant Era, Building Bona Village Udayana University Moves the #BonaTanpaPlastik Campaign

Wednesday (05/06/2024) Blahbatuh, Gianyar - Commemorating World Environment Day, Bina Desa Bona, Udayana University, answers the challenges in an instant era. The approach to SDN 3 Bona students through fun games regarding the importance of caring for and protecting the environment is the main tendency in this activity. Cadre formation through providing understanding is instilled from an early age regarding awareness of protecting the immediate environment.

Doctrine must start from the smallest environment, namely the family, parents are the first role models so that in the future it will remain a habit that will be carried to environments outside the home such as schools and the surrounding community. Bina Desa Bona is here to take part, packaging this activity with the #BonaTanpaPlastik campaign, and is supported through real action by the Tumblerization Movement in the form of distributing tumblers within the SDN 3 Bona environment, including the teachers. This is a reminder to always carry out supervision so that the school environment can be free from plastic and become a daily lifestyle.

One of the other benefits of the tumblerization movement is that the tumbler is durable so it can be used forever and can replace single-use mineral water packaging. This movement is expected to have an individual influence on the wider environment so that it becomes a habit and awareness to reduce the amount of single-use plastic consumed. In the long term, this activity is expected to create a greener, cleaner and more sustainable school environment. Furthermore, it can inspire other schools to adopt and contribute to environmental conservation efforts to create an adiwiyata school (integrating environmental conservation in its teaching and learning activities).

The principal of SDN 3 Bona Ni Luh Putu Niawati, S.Pd fully supports and welcomes this activity.  "In our opinion, socialization activities related to the use of tumblers to reduce plastic waste are very positive and useful, because through this activity children are expected to get used to carrying tumblers as a place for drinking water, apart from that it also encourages behavioral habits (habits) to reduce the use of small plastic packaging which has the potential to be scattered. and not separated," he said.

It is hoped that the school's support through supervision to build awareness among students will continue. Supporting facilities such as providing refillable drinking water in the school environment need to be introduced so that this awareness lasts for each generation.