LP3M Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance for Risk-Based SPMI Development to Improve Udayana University Standards

Udayana University (Unud) through the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) held Technical Guidance (Bimtek) for the Development of Risk-Based SPMI to Improve Udayana University Standards at the Bali Dynasty Resort Kuta, Tuesday (4/6/2024). This activity, which was opened directly by the Rector of Udayana University, presented two speakers, namely Dr. Ir. Setyo Pertiwi, M.Agr (IPB) and Prof. Dr. drh. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, MS (Unud). This technical guidance was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Head of Bureau, Chair and Secretary of the Institution, Vice Deans for Academic Affairs, Vice Director for Postgraduate Academic Affairs, LPPM Team, LP3M Team, Chairs of UP3M and UP2M as well as representatives from established private universities, namely Dhyana Pura University and STMIK Bandung Bali.

Chairman of LP3M Unud Prof. Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D in his report said that this activity was the final series of the process of developing Udayana University Standards which were adopted in Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023. In this regard, adjustments must be made including accelerating how how to achieve National Higher Education Standards.

Udayana University is also trying to surpass SN Dikti both vertically and horizontally. Therefore, it has been developed by the development team for three standards of education, research and community service simultaneously and today it is hoped that it will receive guidance or critical input from the facilitators. So you can get input on what needs to be improved or adjusted so as to produce a standard which can later become a common reference in implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education.

"Of course, the output we can hope for is how after these standards are implemented, we can achieve the most monumental output, perhaps the creation of a culture of quality," said the Chairman of LP3M.

The Chairman of LP3M hopes that the participants who attend will be able to participate and contribute maximally, where the existing standard draft will later be refined and submitted to the Senate for input and determination.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng in his speech said that with the change in Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 to Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023, the Udayana University Standards must also be changed. Next semester, these standards must be implemented because they have a deadline of two years no later than August 2023, so don't wait a year ahead of the deadline. This adjusted standard is in accordance with Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023.

The main aim of higher education is to produce graduates who are ready to compete in the world of work through a quality learning process oriented towards stakeholder satisfaction. This is a joint task to be able to carry out quality assurance for the learning process and so on. The finished standards must of course be followed and exceed the SN Dikti.

"This is our target, we cannot just teach like that but must improvise to improve learning," said the Rector.

Through this opportunity, the Rector hopes that the speakers will criticize the standards that have been created by the Unud Team to make Unud better.

The speakers in his presentation reviewed several articles contained in Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023, especially those related to Higher Education Quality Assurance Standards, National Higher Education Standards, Accreditation and Higher Education Standards set by Universities and Udayana University Standards.