BCA Shares Knowledge "Be Relevant in the Midst of Technology Disruption & Social Changes" at Udayana University

Jimbaran - Located in the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Udayana University (Unud) Jimbaran Campus, the BCA Sharing Knowledge activity was held with the theme "Be Relevant in the Midst of Technology Disruption & Social Changes", Monday (3/6/2024). This activity, which was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Vice Deans III, Head of Student Affairs Bureau and staff and students, featured speakers, Director of BCA Santoso and moderator Hera F. Haryn (Executive Vice President of BCA).

Rector of Unud Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng in his speech expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to implement BCA Sharing Knowledge at Udayana University. This is a good opportunity provided by BCA where only five state universities were visited by BCA, including Udayana University. The Rector asked students not to waste this opportunity and ask lots of questions to the speakers and listen carefully.

"I think he will convey many things, especially related to Technological Disruption and social change. So how can we adapt to these technological changes," said the Rector. 

Through this opportunity, the Rector also informed that there are 40 Unud students who receive the Bakti BCA scholarship each year. It is hoped that this quota can be increased because many students need this scholarship to continue their studies. The number of students who receive scholarships is also an indicator of the university's KPI, namely a minimum of 20 percent.

Head of Regional Office IV BCA Harijanto in his speech introduced a glimpse of the BCA Bali Branch which is ready to serve and assist the community's financial transaction needs. BCA as a national banking institution in Indonesia always supports various sustainable development efforts with various existing programs. As currently, BCA is holding a Knowledge Sharing program and Udayana University is the fifth place for it to be implemented. This is a Bakti BCA program which is of course given directly by the Directors specifically to young students.

Apart from the knowledge sharing program, BCA also has other programs, including a future talent program for students who have qualifications as BCA employees but have not yet graduated from college. Apart from that, there is also the Bakti BCA internship program, PPBP (Banking Business Education Program) and PPTI (Information Technology Education Program) which are BCA scholarship programs for high school or vocational school graduates. BCA also has an Assisted Village program which is currently being implemented in Taro Village. 

"Of course, through these programs, BCA contributes and collaborates to realize the ideals of sustainable development and we are very grateful and thankful that this morning BCA and Udayana University can work together to hold public lectures as a series of BCA Sharing Knowledge activities," he said.

The speaker, namely the Director of BCA, Santoso, in his presentation said that there were two big topics, namely technology and social change and BCA's strategy to remain relevant amidst change. Technology and social change are also opportunities for Indonesia. Technology makes it possible to fulfill new needs or desires. All of this new technology has a big social impact, with both positive and negative sides. But one thing is certain, we cannot avoid it. The only thing that remains constant is change itself, we must be able to adapt.

The development of financial technology has positive impacts, including improving customer experience and increasing efficiency gained from automation, as well as negative impacts, including security threats and increasingly sharp competition. There are at least three development focuses that enable BCA to continue to adapt and be relevant, namely Technology, Process and People with a very important mindset in development, namely Consumer Centric & profitability.