LAMPT-Kes Assessor Team Visits the Ergonomics and Work Physiology Master's Study Program at Udayana University in the Context of Field Assessment

Denpasar - The Assessor Team from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education in Health (LAMPT-Kes) visited the Postgraduate Ergonomics and Work Physiology Master's Study Program at Udayana University (Unud) in the framework of the Study Program Accreditation Field Assessment at the Hall of the Postgraduate Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Thursday (30/5/ 2024). This field assessment for accreditation was carried out for the first time by LAMPT-Kes, whereas previously it was by BAN-PT. The assessors present were Prof. Dr. Ridwan Amiruddin, SKM., M.Kes., M.Sc.PH and Dr. Ariyanto Nugroho, SKM., M.Sc.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech quoted one of Nelson Mandela's quotes, namely 'Education is the most effective weapon to change the world', so with education everything can change so how can we improve the education system, quality of education, governance and so on. To find out whether it is good or not, of course it is done through this assessment which is one of our External Quality Assurance Systems (SPME). Where the Assessor will photograph the performance of the study program, in this case the Work Physiology Ergononi Masters Study Program.

Through this opportunity, the Rector also briefly introduced the profile of Udayana University to the Assessors. The Chancellor also asked the task force team to prepare the data and documents needed by the assessors and hoped that the Master of Work Physiology Study Program could achieve the title of Excellence. 

"We certainly really support as leaders whatever the needs and so on of this master's study program, not only in this program but throughout so that it can run well and our SPMI has been implemented every year as well as AMI and currently the SPME is from the Assessor," said Rector.

Meanwhile, the Assessor's representative, Prof. Ridwan Amiruddin said that both of them were sent by LAMPT-Kes to verify the documents that had been sent to LAMPT-Kes. The assessors also expressed their gratitude for the acceptance from Unud in the context of external quality assurance for this study program. If the AMI is running, then now we will see whether the external quality assurance is also running. After this process there will be two more stages, there will be surveillance, namely monitoring and evaluation to ensure quality assurance is maintained. This time there are 9 criteria that serve as indicators. Many things will need to be verified in carrying out this assessment and will require the cooperation of the study program team to provide supporting documents if something has not been submitted.