Socialization of Customs and Excise "Customs Goes to Campus" at Udayana University

Denpasar - The Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise for Bali, NTB and NTT collaborated with Udayana University (Unud) to hold a Customs and Excise Socialization "Customs Goes to Campus" at the Dr. A.A Made Djelantik Meeting Room Faculty of Medicine Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Tuesday (21/5/2024). This activity was attended by leaders and students at Udayana University. 

The Rector of Unud in his speech read by the Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau Drs. I Komang Teken conveyed that this socialization event about Customs and Excise is of course very important for all of us to provide an understanding of the duties and functions carried out by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise to the Udayana University academic community, especially regarding the extension of excisable goods, passenger luggage and goods. delivery. Apart from that, this socialization is very important because it will provide information for us amidst the proliferation of information that has been developing on social media and the public recently as well as fraud in the name of Customs and Excise. 

It is hoped that this event will provide significant benefits for the participants who attended this opportunity, and that the information obtained today can be conveyed to other students who did not have the opportunity to attend, so that the aim of this socialization is to achieve the results as expected. Customs and Excise, namely the Udayana University academic community, can obtain correct and clear information from the main source, namely Customs, so it is hoped that there will be no wrong perceptions about various reports that have been circulating recently.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Customs and Excise Facilities Division of the DJBC Bali, NTB and NTT Regional Offices, Buhari Sirait, in his speech said that with this socialization we realize the importance of the excise extensification policy and its contribution in maintaining public health and maintaining state revenues. Customs and Excise is always committed to being a professional, dynamic and high integrity institution.

"We are open to various input, criticism and constructive suggestions from various parties, especially from students," he said.

He believes that synergy and collaboration between each community will be the main key in realizing the slogan "Customs and Excise is Getting Better". Through this opportunity, the Head of the Customs and Excise Facilities Division of DJBC Bali, NTB and NTT also expressed his appreciation to Udayana University for the opportunity given to provide this outreach.

This socialization presented two speakers, namely Hermoko Hadi Triwibowo (Executing Inspector in the Extension Section) with material on Getting to Know Customs and Excise and Ali Winoto (Head of Excise Potential Section) with material on Extensible Goods Extensification Policy. In the material it is explained that Customs and Excise has 4 tasks, namely Industrial Assistance, Trade Facilitator, Community Protector and Revenue Collector. During this socialization, there was also a demonstration of the action of the K-9 sniffer dog in detecting carriers of prohibited goods such as narcotics.