LP3M Udayana University Holds Technical Guidance Accreditation Assistance for Udayana University Study Programs

Udayana University (Unud) through the Development, Learning and Quality Assurance Institute (LP3M) carried out Technical Guidance (Bimtek) Accreditation Assistance for Udayana University Study Programs, Wednesday (8/5/2024), at the Bali Dynasti Resort, Kuta. This Technical Guidance was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Rai Maya Temaja, on this occasion, expressed her appreciation and support for LP3M in organizing this activity as an effort to improve the accreditation ranking. Appreciation is also addressed to all participants for their participation with the same goal, namely improving the quality of higher education which ultimately leads higher education in a better direction to a higher level. The Vice Rector hopes that this Bimtek will be useful for all participants in particular and for higher education in general.

The Chair of the Committee for this activity, Ni Made Ariani, SE., M.Par, in her report said that this activity was carried out in an effort to implement the provisions in the regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance of Higher Education which was then documents related to PT Banda Number 13 concerning the Accreditation System and PT Banda Number 5 of 2024 concerning Higher Education Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Instruments for Extending Accredited Status Through Automation Mechanisms have been stipulated.

In an effort to improve the accreditation ranking of study programs at Udayana University and extend the accreditation ranking through an automation system, it is necessary to carry out regular monitoring and assistance.

This Bimtek activity presented 3 (three) speakers; Prof. Tjok Valmiki Samadhi, Ph.D (Sek Executive Board of BAN PT), Dr. Soetrisno, M.A (Vice Chair and concurrently Director of Accreditation of the LAM-PTKes Association), and Dodhi Widyatnoko, S.Gz, MKM (Manager of the Accreditation Unit of the LAM-PTKes Association). The Bimtek event was also attended by the Vice Deans for Academic Affairs at Udayana University, the Chair of USDI, as well as other higher education leaders including Panji Sakti Singaraja University, Dhyana Pura Primakara University, STIKES Advaita Medika, STIKIP Singaraja Hindu Religion, STIMIK Bandung and Bali Design College.