Rector of Udayana University Attends Webinar on Strengthening the Integrity of State Higher Education Ecosystems (PIEPTN) KPK RI

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of the Republic of Indonesia held a Webinar on Submitting the Results of the Independent Assessment of Strengthening the Integrity of the State Higher Education Ecosystem (PIEPTN) 2024 which took place via a Zoom meeting, Tuesday (7/5/2024). The webinar, which was opened by the Deputy for Education and Community Participation at the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission, was attended by the Director General of Diktristek, Chair of MRPTNI, Chair of the PTKN Leadership Forum, Director of the KPK Education Network, Higher Education Leaders along with the PIEPTN Coordinator and PIEPTN administrators.

This activity is a follow-up to the active participation of universities in implementing independent assessments as a series of the 2024 PIEPTN program. Entering the next stage of the program, the Corruption Eradication Committee will present the entire results of the independent assessments from each university, including information regarding strengthening areas and priority anti-corruption tools. This information will then become the basis for formulating strategies to strengthen the integrity of the educational ecosystem at the higher education level.

The PIEPTN program is one of the anti-corruption education strategies at the higher education level implemented by the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission which is aimed at all State Universities (PTN) and State Religious Universities (PTKN) in Indonesia. By mapping priority strengthening areas, higher education leaders can be helped in independently determining appropriate anti-corruption tools.

Apart from the Rector of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana was also present, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Prof. I Putu Gede Adiatmika and the management of PIEPTN Unud in implementing this webinar.

Deputy for Education and Community Participation at the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Committee, Wawan Wardiana, in his speech said that the Corruption Eradication Committee is trying to instill the values ​​of integrity in all students from primary education to tertiary education, but it turns out that it is not enough to provide anti-corruption education to students, this must be balanced with the integrity of the education system itself. Therefore, his party has tried to improve the integrity of the ecosystem in higher education, which is implemented through the PIEPTN program. The PIEPTN results are not a KPK report card on campus, this is a reflection of the existing system at each university.

Meanwhile the Director General of Diktiristek Prof. Abdul Haris appreciated the KPK's initiative in strengthening the integrity of higher education through the PIEPTN program. Of course, this is expected to help PTNs in determining anti-corruption tools in their respective institutions. With this PIEPTN program, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has mapped integrity issues that are appropriate to the context, situation and conditions of higher education, so that the preparation of integrity improvement strategies can certainly be implemented more effectively.

The results of the 2024 PIEPTN independent assessment were presented by the Director of the KPK Education Network, Aida Ratna Zulaiha and Team. Aida, in her presentation, said that there were 141 applicants who took part in this assessment and as many as 137 filled out the assessment instruments, while only 83 data could be processed. It was explained that the data could not be processed because the tokens had been filled in incorrectly, so that university information was not found and the questions were incomplete per chapter.

Based on data processing, the national PIEPTN 2024 independent assessment results were 2.556 for the average risk of corruption in 12 areas of strengthening integrity; 3.032 for the average prevention efforts through 8 anti-corruption tools and 3.416 for the average maturity and effectiveness of preventing corruption. The assessment results for each university can only be accessed by the university's PIEPTN Coordinator and the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Committee. The results of this data processing will be used as a basis for formulating a strategy to strengthen integrity in each PTN or PTKN and as a basis for formulating an anti-corruption education strategy for the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Committee. As a follow-up to this assessment, there will be strengthening of ecosystem integrity through the preparation of action plans per university, which will be implemented through a monitoring dashboard on the KPK website.