The Best Talent Network, Udayana University Holds NUDC 2024 Internal Selection

The Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau is holding the 2024 National University Debating Championship (NUDC) Internal Selection at the BH Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Unud Denpasar Campus. This activity will be held for two days, namely March 23 to 24 2024.

The Chief Executive of the Activity, Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati, S.S., M.Hum, in her report said that the implementation of the NUDC internal selection is a requirement for every university given by BPTI to represent it at the regional level. There are 19 teams registered to take part in this internal selection, and from the results of this selection training will be carried out for the 10 best speakers, 4 winning teams who will enter the grand final, and 10 n1 judges.

"Udayana University has participated in world-level debate competitions for two years in a row, where since 2018 Udayana University has won the debate competition," said the Chief Executive.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Interest, Reasoning and Student Affairs Information at Udayana University, I Made Budiastrawan, in his speech at the same time opening the event, said that the NUDC internal selection activity is carried out regularly every year with the aim of recruiting and selecting Udayana University representatives who will compete in the national level NUDC event, which of course has stages. -The stages that must be passed before going to the national level are regional level selection.

"Year after year, Udayana University has won NUDC, hopefully in 2024 we can make history again and succeed in winning NUDC so we can represent Indonesia again," said the Interest, Reasoning and Information Coordinator.