Udayana University is one of the Partners for the MSIB Hack4ID Program

The Directorate General of Information Applications (Ministry of Communication and Information) in collaboration with the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology), has released the Independent Learning Program, Independent Campus: Certified Independent Study Internship with the 1000 Startup National Movement Digital. In this program, participants can carry out one semester of independent study outside campus with the objective of building digital innovation that can be a solution for cities, regions and even the nation. Udayana University is one of the regional partners to implement one of the series of MSIB programs, namely Hack4ID. Hack4ID is an ideathon activity with the aim of helping participants create solution ideas that suit industry needs for 2 (two) days using the basics of the design sprint method.

This activity was held on Tuesday, March 19 2024 to Wednesday, March 20 2024 in the Postgraduate Hall of Udayana University. This activity was attended by 38 students, the majority of whom came from Udayana University and several other universities, namely Nusa Cendana University (NTT), STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business, Ganesha Education University, Warmadewa University.

The activity began with a speech and opening by the Chair of the Udayana University Business Incubator, namely Dr. drh. Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi, M. Biomed. In his speech he said that with the various faculties of Udayana University it is certainly a place where various disciplines of knowledge and thought meet, creating an environment rich in ideas, innovation and ideas. He believes that from this diversity, creative solutions will emerge that can answer the challenges that exist in society, especially in encouraging digital economic growth. At the end of his speech he invited each participant to make the best use of this opportunity, continue to innovate, collaborate, and dare to dream and realize these dreams into real innovation.

After the activity opened, it continued with providing materials and participants' practice in making sprint designs guided by the sprint master, namely Sebastian Alex Dharmawangsa who is the Chief Executive - MSIB: #1000StartupDigital. After the sprint design creation session, the participants were given mentoring from mentors who had been invited from practitioners and academics at Udayana University to provide suggestions and input to the 5 strategy teams that had been formed.

The mentors on the first day were Cokorda Anom Bayu Sadyasmara, S. TP., M. Sc (Lecturer at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University), I Komang Ari Mogi, S.Kom., M.Kom. (Lecturer at Udayana University Informatics Study Program), I Gusti Ngurah Anom Cahyadi Putra, ST., M.Cs. (Lecturer in the Informatics Study Program at Udayana University), I Gede Bintang Arya Budaya, S.Kom., M.Kom (Co-Founder of On Journey), and Made Andy Kurnia Prayoga (Founder & CEO of Sangkara).

On the second day the activity continued with the continuation of the sprint design and also a mentoring session by the mentors, namely Anak Agung Ngurah Hary Susila, S.TI., M.MT (Lecturer in the Information Technology Study Program at Udayana University), Ni Putu Yayuk Puspita Yanti (Business Incubator Manager Udayana University), Erwin Gutawa (Co-Founder of ICON NTB), I Gede Bintang Arya Budaya, S.Kom., M.Kom (Co-Founder On Journey), Ray Rezky Ananda (Founder & CEO of Bantuternak). At the end of the mentoring session, participants pitch business ideas from the startup team that has been formed. As a follow-up activity, the startup team that has been formed will be mentored intensively for the next 4 months at the Udayana University Business Incubator.