Udayana University Holds Musrenbang FY 2025, Rector Explains Four Activity Targets

Udayana University (Unud) held a Planning and Development Conference (Musrenbang) for the 2025 Fiscal Year at the Hall of the BH Building, Faculty of Economics and Business, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, Monday (18/3/2024). The Musrenbang which took place in a hybrid manner was attended by the Rector and Vice Rector, Chair of the Senate, Secretary of the Dewas, Chair of SPI, Heads of Faculty and Postgraduate Studies, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions, Expert Staff and Heads of Work Units within Udayana University as well as Study Program Coordinators and Section Coordinators and Sub Coordinators who join online.

Head of BPKU Unud Drs. I Komang Teken in his report said that this Musrenbang was held in preparation for the preparation of the Work Plan and Budget (RKA) for Fiscal Year 2025 by inviting all unit and sub-unit leaders to attend both in person and online. The preparatory activities for preparing the RKA for FY 2025 began with the preparation of the proposed Unud Non-Tax State Revenue Target (TPNBP) for FY 2025. Discussion of the proposed TPNBP was carried out by the Directorate General of Diktiristek which was held in Bogor from 6 to 9 December 2023. This TPNBP is the Indicative Ceiling. today divided and proportioned its use in accordance with the FY 2025 Budget Business Plan (RBA).

"We plan to use the entire Indicative Ceiling to finance all programs and operational activities of Unud as a Public Service Agency," said the Head of BPKU.

It was further stated that this indicative ceiling could change during the discussion of the RAPBN Draft by the Government together with the DPR RI, the changes could increase or decrease, where this has already been experienced in FY 2024. After the University level Musrenbang event is held, the next one will be followed with Musrenbang activities at the Faculty, Postgraduate and Head Office levels scheduled from March 25 to April 4 2024, followed by inputting the results of the preparation to SILUNA, discussion of proposed activities as well as reviews by SPI, BMN and the Planning Section. All proposed activities and budgets will then be input into SAKTI (Agency Accounting System) which is the proposed RKA Unud FY 2025 to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his direction said that Musrenbang is routinely held at the beginning of the year for planning for the following year. The Rector hopes that the time schedule submitted by the Head of BPKU can be fulfilled. It is hoped that what is conveyed in this Musrenbang can become a reference for the implementation of Musrenbang in each unit which refers to the Strategic Plan, IKU, Accreditation where everything must be adjusted. This planning must be done carefully and there may be as few changes as possible in the year of implementation. With careful planning, what is planned can achieve the target. What is planned will also be controlled by SPI.

In his direction the Rector also explained the vision, mission, goals and objectives of Udayana University, RPAJP Unud 2020-2040, Main Performance Indicators (IKU) as well as the achievements of the 2023 performance agreement and 2024 targets. The Rector and the Director General of Higher Education and Technology where there are four activity targets, namely (1) Increasing the quality of higher education graduates; (2) Increasing the quality of higher education lecturers; (3) Increasing the quality of curriculum and learning; and (4) Improved governance of State Universities where one of the new indicators is the percentage of Faculties that have built Integrity Zones.

During this Musrenbang activity, the Indicative Ceiling for FY 2025 was also handed over by the Chancellor to the Heads of Work Units, namely Faculty, Postgraduate and Head Office.