Jegeg Bagus Udayana is Successful Again on the 2024 Teruni Denpasar Youth Election Stage

Jegeg Bagus Udayana graduate has made another brilliant achievement. Bagus Wahyu and Bagus Dhanu succeeded in making the name of Jegeg Bagus Udayana proud at the 2024 Denpasar Teruna Teruna Selection event and were crowned as Runner Up 1 Denpasar Teruna 2024 and Top 10 Denpasar Teruna 2024. Competing with 10 other pairs of finalists who were representatives from each existing agency. in Denpasar City.

The 2024 Teruni Denpasar Student Selection lasted for 4 months from November to February 2024. The finalists took part in a fairly long series of activities such as stage 1 selection, stage 2 selection, pre-quarantine, talent display, outbound, and deep interviews. During pre-quarantine, the finalists were given training to increase the finalists' insight and capacity. The series of selection and assessment of finalists is carried out by a panel of judges who are competent and experienced in their fields. All finalists gave their maximum performance as a representation of the agency they represented.

The Grand Final of the 2024 Teruna Teruni Denpasar Election was held on February 18 2024 at the Dharma Negara Alaya Building, Denpasar. Jegeg representatives Bagus Udayana, Bagus Wahyu and Bagus Dhanu have succeeded in conquering the Grand Final night. Bagus Wahyu (Runner Up II Bagus Udayana 2023) whose full name is I Komang Agus Wahyu Wana Wangsawan, student at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, succeeded in winning the title of First Runner Up Teruna Denpasar 2024. Bagus Dhanu (Finalist Bagus Udayana 2023) whose full name is I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dhanu Pranadhitya, student at the Faculty of Agriculture, succeeded in winning the title of Top 10 Youth in Denpasar 2024.

Apart from that, Udayana University students who were also members of the Teruna Teruni Denpasar selection achieved brilliant achievements. The position of Winner Teruni Denpasar 2024 was achieved by Ni Kadek Saika Shira Shankari who is a student from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (R UP I Jegeg Fisip 2023). Not only that, the Second Runner Up position was achieved by Ni Kadek Ayu Dwipayani who is a student from the Faculty of Economics and Business (R UP I Jegeg FEB 2023). Best Promotional Video for Teruna Teruni Denpasar 2024 was also won by a student from the Faculty of Economics and Business, with the full name I Made Widhiantara Jaya Kusuma (R UP II Bagus FEB 2022). and student Ida Ayu Alit Srilaksmi won the award as Best Article for Teruna Teruni Denpasar 2024 and Ambassador of Love, Proud to Understand the Rupiah, Teruni Denpasar 2024.

This proud achievement that has been achieved by Bagus Wahyu and Bagus Dhanu once again proves that the existence and quality of Jegeg Bagus Udayana has brilliant potential. With the achievements achieved by Jegeg Bagus Udayana, it will certainly have an impact on the image of Udayana University. Jegeg Bagus Udayana has become proof that Udayana University is able to create superior and accomplished students, but still upholds Balinese cultural values, along with the vision of Udayana University, namely to be Excellent, Independent and Cultured.