Udayana University Collaborates with PT Aerofood Indonesia, Tunjang Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Campus

Udayana University (Unud) has collaborated with PT Aerofood Indonesia, which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the two institutions in the Bahasa Room of the Unud Rectorate Building, Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (20/2/2024). The signing ceremony was attended by the Rector of Unud, the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology along with the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences along with the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs as well as the UPIKS Team and the Cooperation Team. Meanwhile, PT Aerofood Indonesia was attended by the President Director, Vice President Corporate Secretary, Vice President Human Capital, General Manager of the Denpasar Unit and staff.

Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech introduced a glimpse of Udayana University which has 13 Faculties and 1 Postgraduate with a student body of around 30 thousand people. With this collaboration, it is hoped that it will not only be at MBKM but will also be open to others such as joint research and other activities that benefit both parties. If PT Aerofood needs Unud's human resources, they are very open.

Regarding MBKM which is a government program, the Rector hopes that more students can take part in MBKM at PT Aerofood. Testimonials from students who take part in MBKM, mostly by doing internships in industry, can broaden their insight and self-confidence, which is also very good. Monitoring results from the Ministry show that students who take MBKM usually get jobs more quickly and their salaries are higher.

"We have high hopes for PT Aerofood to be able to collaborate with us in this setting, perhaps our collaboration will be even more massive," said the Rector.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Aerofood Indonesia, I Wayan Susena, said that as part of the state-owned company PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk which is very concerned and supports the development of human resources through education, teaching, research and community service, he feels very proud to be part of it. from developing the quality of the young generation at Udayana University.

PT Aerofood Indonesia or known as ACS, its head office is in Jakarta and its business segment is invite catering for flights, then there is also non-inflight, especially for industrial, it also provides catering services for hospitals. Then it also has a laundry and retail business segment. The collaboration that will be held with Udayana University is in the form of practical field work and internships at the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM), then scientific activities, seminars or webinars, workshops at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

"I hope that this collaboration will really be utilized as well as possible by female students at Udayana University which of course will not only provide new experiences but also shape thought patterns, mindsets, then instill the values ​​of idealism, integrity, independence and open global horizons. "Because during the implementation of PKL or internships you will be mentored directly and have real interaction both with the work and every person at Aerofood Indonesia who is an expert in their field," said the President Director of PT Aerofood Indonesia.

He hopes that this collaboration can provide benefits both in increasing and developing the capacity of Unud students and also developing other resources. It is also hoped that this collaboration will provide synergy, strength and foster how we can build human resources for the progress of the Indonesian nation and state.

As a follow-up to the signed MoU, on the same occasion a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was also signed between the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology and the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and PT Aerofood Indonesia. After the signing ceremony, discussions were also held regarding cooperation opportunities that could be carried out by the two institutions.