Udayana University Holds Workshop on Preparing Standard Operational Procedures (POB) for Independent Learning Campus

Udayana University (Unud) Student Affairs Bureau held a Workshop on Preparing Standard Operational Procedures (POB) for Udayana University's Independent Learning Campus (MBKM), Thursday (15/02/2024), at the City of Aventus Hotel, Denpasar. This workshop was attended by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, MBKM Unit Personnel, as well as the PIC-BKP MBKM Faculty.

Chair of the POB Preparation Workshop Committee, Ni Luh Putu Ari Sulatri, S.S., M.Si, in her report said that the POBs that will be designed this time are Village Development POB, Disaster Mitigation POB and Merdeka Entrepreneurship POB. As Chief Executive, he hopes to get input regarding the preparation of the POB, so that the MBKM Program at Udayana University can improve in terms of quality and quantity.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs at Udayana University, Prof. Ketut Sudarsana, who in this case represented the Rector, opened the workshop. In his remarks, the Vice Rector III expressed his appreciation to the LP3M Unit, which had previously issued a general MBKM guide to be used as a reference in issuing POBs for various activities that require more detailed procedures, such as village development activities, disaster mitigation and entrepreneurship.

It is hoped that this workshop can produce a draft POB which will later be used as a reference in implementing MBKM, so that there is no longer any doubt in implementing MBKM activities, especially related to village development, disaster mitigation and entrepreneurship, and it is hoped that the POB in question can be implemented in 2024. "The message is, whatever activities are carried out that are related to learning activities outside the study program, they must have an impact on increasing competency for students," said the Vice Rector.

This workshop presented 2 (two) speakers, namely Dr. Ujang Suwarna, S.Hut., M.Sc from the Bogor Agricultural Institute who delivered material on the Practice of Building a Village "One Village One CEO" which on this occasion was delivered online via the Zoom application, and Dr. Ir. I Ketut Sardiana, MS.Si, as Head of the MBKM Unit at Udayana University, who delivered material about MBKM Management at Udayana University. The two speakers were moderated by Dr. Ir Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P.